November 19, 2011

Gag reflex.

I'm not really one to do movie reviews, but let me tell you a story. Don't worry, it won't contain any spoilers.

It was Thursday night. I had just gotten back from the hypnotist show at the school and Marissa got back from the gym. I was whining about how I had nothing to do and I didn't have class till 2 the next day. Marissa took a shower and wasn't tired at all. Then we both realized that it was Thursday night at 11:30 - half an hour before the premier of Breaking Dawn. So we jumped in my car and headed for the nearest movie theatre, half hoping that it wouldn't be sold out but half hoping it would be.

We went to Stadium 8 first, and after a strange experience that involved a wedding dress and an old lady getting a little too personal with Marissa, found that it was sold out. Luckily, though, Cedar City is a happening enough place to have two movie theatres, and the other one still had plenty of tickets. A stroke of luck... or so we thought.

I don't even like the book so I don't know what would possess me to go on this adventure. We settled into our seats, preparing for a lame, cheesy movie. However, what we got was much, much worse than that. It was the most disgusting, graphic, horrific movie I have ever seen. I can usually handle anything in movies, but this was a different story. I didn't even fall asleep like I always do. I went from covering my eyes in some parts, to gagging and almost throwing up, to screaming my head off. So much blood. Soooo much blood.

The only thing that redeemed this movie was Taylor Lautner during the five seconds he had his shirt off. That, and making up funny lines in my head for what Edward could be saying during the many awkward moments throughout the show.

Other than that, it was terrible. Awful. Completely horrid. Don't ever see it.

Next time I'm bored on a Thursday night, someone please give me something better to do.

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