March 29, 2012

Hare krishna.

Last weekend = one of the best weekends in a while.

I went home for the Festival of Colors which automatically makes it a solid weekend. Standing in the middle of hundreds of people covered in chalk and sweat, getting crushed by crowd surfers, not being able to breathe, dancing to hippie music, chanting Hare Krishna, and coughing up chalk dust for days afterward has never been more fun.


This would be the "not being able to breathe" part.

Add to that: visiting City Creek mall, eating cheesecake, practically losing my vision after getting something in my eye while driving, playing Uno, riding Trax, seeing my best friend's wedding dress, catching up, playing Draw Something, and of course watching Indiana Jones, and you have the recipe for a perfect weekend.

Also, if you're looking for an update on the prank war, here it is. This happened a few weeks ago but I forgot to mention it.

These would be all the calls I received when this ad went up on KSL:

Yep, that is my car. And this is the conversation that I had with Ogden, UT at 11:43 am.
  • Me: "Hello?"
  • Ogden: "What's wrong with your car?"
  • Me: "Umm... nothing? I don't know?"
  • Him: "Then why is it on here for $500?"
  • Me: "What?"
  • Him: "Is there something wrong with it? Why are you selling it for so cheap?"
  • Me: "I think you have the wrong number..."
  • Him: "Is your number xxx-xxxx?"
  • Me: "Yes..."
  • Him: "Your car is for sale on KSL."
  • Me: "Oh..."
  • Him: "You might want to take it off before you get any more calls."
Watch your back, Ty.

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