June 23, 2012

The return.

My friends, the thing we all thought would never happen has happened. I'm working at Plato's Closet again.

I know some of you may be confused because I just said I was working at Cowabunga Bay, and that is true. I'm also working at Plato's. And it's so great.

I'm going to be honest: I wasn't that excited. I was happy to leave, and we all assumed I would never go back. But I need more hours since I have to pay for college or something like that, so here I am, working two jobs, and I absolutely love it. Going back to Plato's was just like going home. I worked there for two years in high school and the girls there became my second family. Even though most of them are gone now, Plato's Closet is still a place that I feel like I belong. It's a fantastic feeling since I am running low on those kinds of places this summer.

It's been hard to be optimistic lately because there isn't much to do around here in the summer. Or ever, really. All of my friends are leaving on missions, getting married, and going on to bigger and better things, and I am just stuck here working my life away and waiting for school to start again in August. To think that I still have two months of this is more than a little discouraging. I wish I knew what I was doing with my life.

"This is how we go on: One day at a time, one meal at a time, one pain at a time, one breath at a time." -Unknown

1 comment:

  1. Shannon, I'm right there with you! Except for the fact that I have NO jobs, but other than that, I'm exactly where you are. I'm just WAITING AND WAITING for school to start haha. Well, hang in there!
