October 31, 2012

Running, dancing, and more running.

October is the best month of the whole year, in my opinion. Leaves crunching underfoot, chilly mornings and warm afternoons, haunted houses and apple cider.

Obviously, judging from my last post, it's been an eventful month. But aside from stressing about my future, I've done a lot of fun things too! Many of which I would recommend that you put on your schedule for next October.

1. Zombie 5Ks. Marissa and I were so pumped when we heard these things exist. Basically you sign up and get chased by zombies for five kilometers. We did one in Sandy that included a huge horde of zombies, fireworks, and free glowsticks, and then I just couldn't resist signing up for another one the next weekend with Ammaron. The second one was a gigantic obstacle course where we had to crawl through tunnels, climb ropes, and shoot walkers with paintball guns. I know you're jealous.

2. Haunted houses. I love haunted houses but I have very few friends that do. I try to make a habit of going to Nightmare on 13th every year and it's usually like pulling teeth trying to get anyone to come with me. Luckily I have some cool friends that I was able to coerce into coming with me this year. Keeping with the theme of zombies, the last third of the haunted house was full of them. Terrifying.

3. Dance parties. They never get old. DJ Marcus Wing was our BFF this month since we went to the ever-popular Hallofunkaween in northern Utah and then saw him again at the Scream at SUU. Just make sure you clear some room when Gangnam Style comes on.

4. Red Bull Rampage. This has nothing to do with October or Halloween, but I went to it and it was sweet. It's the biggest freestyle mountain biking in the world and happens in Virgin, Utah, just an hour away from Cedar City! I was reporting on it, so I talked to some riders and took one semi-cool picture.

5. Perks of Being a Wallflower. Amazing book/movie. Watch it/read it.

Throw in a couple episodes of the Walking Dead, some really good food, and great company, and you have the recipe for a solid October. I've enjoyed it. A lot.

PS. Thank you all for your words of encouragement about my last post, both on Facebook and in person. It means a lot to me and I'm pretty sure I know some of the best people out there! Love you guys.

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