March 14, 2013

Why running is better than almost anything.

I ran track in high school... or so I say. In reality, I just ran my sophomore and junior years, the 100 and 200 meter races, and quit halfway through the season both years. So yeah, I ran, more or less, and it was fun, more or less. Recently, though, I have found a new love and appreciation for distance running which is something I definitely have never liked before. Basically I want everyone to love running as much as I do, so here's a list of ten of my favorite things about running.
  1. Calves. Running gives you great calves, and let's be real, people with solid calf muscles are hot. One time, in high school, I voted for a boy for student body president just because he had nice calves. I wish I was joking.
  2. Stress relief. I've said this before, but honestly there is nothing better to do when you're stressed than slip on those Nikes and hit the pavement. When you're mad you can run even farther than you ever thought you could. Especially if you picture that the person you're mad at is waiting at the end of your run so you can beat them up. Not that I've ever imagined that...
  3. Endorphins. The feeling you get after you finish a long, hard run. You feel so good.
  4. Scenery. If someone finds something prettier than a jog along the beach or a trail run up a canyon in the autumn, I'll be amazed. Any beautiful view is improved when you have running shoes on!
  5. Music. Everyone loves music and if you're anything like me, you're constantly looking for excuses to listen to music. "Oh, I'm going outside to get the mail, I can totally listen to at least half of 'I Knew You Were Trouble' on the way there." I mean, at least until it gets to the screaming goat, right? Anyway, you can listen to a ton of songs while running. And then try to throw in a little dance move and end up falling off the treadmill/sidewalk/hill. Not that I've done that either...
  6. Therapy. I remember a time last summer when I was really overwhelmed by life, so I went for a run and ended up running up this massive hill. The whole time I kept telling myself, "I can do difficult things." And guess what, I did!
  7. Energy. Surprisingly, waking up early to go for a jog gives me so much energy for the rest of the day. Like, what on earth, I feel better when I get up and get active than when I stay in bed till ten eating Nutella? Weird.
  8. Conditioning. Running is more of a mind game than anything. The human body is an amazing thing and could probably run for an indefinite amount of time, especially if there were zombies chasing you or something (just saying). The only thing holding you back is your own brain! The more you challenge it, the more you show your mind: that's what's up.
  9. Clothes. Workout clothes are the coolest ever. Admit it boys, you love girls in yoga pants.
  10. Appetite. Notice the title of this post is "Why running is better than almost anything." Which obviously means the only thing it's not better than is food. When you run, you can eat even more and it just counts as "fueling your run." Win, win!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. Running is the best. I've never regretted getting out and going. Plus, it's the best way to discover a new city, I'm pretty certain.
