July 31, 2013

When the communication major disappears from social media.

I've realized something recently. I'm a communication major. And I've given up on social media.

Those of you who know me well know that I'm addicted to Twitter. And Tumblr. And Vine. And Instagram. Or at least I was.

This summer though, I don't know what's happened to me. I've posted a total of like five blog posts this summer if you count this one, and all of them have been extremely sorry excuses for blog posts that are only intended to keep my blog alive (including this one).

I used to be funny on Twitter and get lots of favorites and stuff. And then there's the quality of my tweets this summer:

  • Currently ODing on Oreo ice cream
  • It's summer and I just spent like 2 and a half hours in the library. I need to rethink my life choices.
  • Pretty fortunate that I didn't crash my car today.. It would be embarrassing if my cause of death was "eating a cinnamon roll while driving"
  • Haven't tweeted about my life in a week so I'm not sure if it even existed or not...
  • Had a dream I ran a 5k and woke up with sore hamstrings...mostly I'm concerned how sore I'll be if I ACTUALLY run a 5k
  • Exhausted and haven't showered in days... This is what summer is about right? #work #allthetime
  • At least I've been getting paid to do stuff like look at dead stuffed animals.
  • Seeing as I wasn't driving all over the state of Utah today it's about time I got some things* done! (*3.5 hours of watching Netflix)
  • You know you've hit rock bottom when you text your mom because you're bored. And then she doesn't even text back. #loserstatus
  • It's a sad day when you're 20 years old and still get asked for ID every time you try to buy medicine or spray paint. #stilllook16

Not only are none of these funny but they also demonstrate the fact that while my goal this summer was to get in shape and eat healthy, I've done nothing but dream about running, eat cinnamon rolls, and work, which apparently includes getting paid to look at dead animals. Why did I tweet about that?

The only thing that has actually remained kind of in my life is Instagram. That is, if you're dying to see landscape picture after landscape picture with the hash tag #utahgram, cause that's all it is these days.

So yeah, case in point. I don't know what's happened to me. Maybe everything will return to normal in three weeks when school starts. Or maybe I'm just that weird girl who became a comm major because she likes to write but is kind of quiet and socially awkward and now doesn't even use social media and is a total outcast in the public relations/advertising world that she hopes to find a career in. Okay, that's a little extreme. I'm sure I'll see you guys on Twitter and Insta sometime soon. I mean, as soon as I find another cool landscape or something.

PS. Follow me! @shanndelier on Twitter and Instagram.

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