October 4, 2010


Okay, so I'm reviving the blog. I gave up on it for a little while but I'm back.

I'm like five weeks into my senior year, and it is so weird. Part of me wants to get involved and do everything that it is humanly possible to do and just pack it all into my schedule. The other part just wants to do as little as possible, graduate, and move on with my life.

So far I'm kind of in the middle. I work three or four days a week, have a moderate amount of homework, I'm Key Club president, and I'm on my church's stake youth council so I stay pretty busy. But I still find myself with a lot of free time that I didn't have last year and I can't really figure out why. Sometimes I like it, and sometimes I don't. Sometimes it makes me feel super unproductive, and sometimes it is a nice way to relax. I don't know what to think.

I was expecting senior year to be super great, a big party, the best year of my life, and all that fun stuff, but in reality, it's just like every other year of high school: full of drama, football games, and crazy teachers. Except for you have to deal with all the stress of applying to colleges and applying for scholarships and making sure you have all your credits done to graduate. And half of your friends graduated last year and all the senior boys date sophomore girls. But besides that, it really is all its cracked up to be! Whatever that is!

Don't get me wrong. I love high school. I think it's great. I'm optimistic about the rest of the year. Who knows what it could bring.

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