November 30, 2010

I'm not quite sure what to think.

There are some things that I hate.

I hate when my car has a cracked radiator, and in order to find that out I have to smoke out an entire street with my overheating engine.
I hate homework, especially statistics.
I hate cold weather.
I hate seeing people being judged. People are judgmental. It's weird how after someone pulls through a challenge, you can look back and say wow, they are so cool and strong. But when they're in the middle of it, it's so easy for people to judge them.
I hate meatloaf.
Most of all, I hate when someone tells you something you already know, but haven't been able to admit. And then all of a sudden, there it is, written out for you in plain English and you know you're going to have to agree and it's not going to be easy.

But then again, there are some things that I love.

I love having the heater in my car working again... and okay, I secretly loved my smoking car because it was funny.
I love learning, especially psychology and French.
I love snow.
I love seeing people overcome judgment. When someone can pull out and be who they are, no matter what anyone says.
I love tofu.
But most of all, I love having people in my life that tell me what I need to hear, even if it is going to be hard. They have faith in me. They care. I love that, and I love them.

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