March 25, 2011


I just got back from a speech by Mark Zuckerburg, the creator of Facebook! I have not seen the movie about him, but I was still surprised to see him be a cool, down to earth guy. It was in a Q&A interview type format with Orrin Hatch, the Utah senator, but Mark showed up in jeans and a hoodie, which I thought was great.

I wouldn't say it was a very inspirational speech or anything like that, but he did have a few points which I think are worthy of mentioning:

It's as much about psychology as it is about technology.
In order to create a great company, it is necessary to hire people that are passionate about what they do, and instead of seeking to fill a position, they create it for themselves.
The biggest qualification one needs is passion. With that, anyone can change the world.

March 22, 2011


"Our freedom to choose our course of conduct does not provide personal freedom from the consequences of our performances."
Marvin J. Ashton