June 28, 2012

June bug.

It has been a whirlwind of a week.

I guess today is Thursday, so I'll start with last Thursday. I had shifts at both Plato's and Cowabunga on Thursday and Friday, totaling 24 hours out of that 48 that I spent working. 1 hour was spent showering/eating, and the other 23 were spent sleeping. Living the dream.

Saturday I spent the entire day running errands (post office, grocery store, bank, mall) and setting up my volleyball net from hell that refused to stay standing. I eventually conquered that foe, though, don't worry. Then I went to Erin's bachelorette party for a while until all my friends came over to my house for a little get together before Tyler's farewell. It was supposed to be a pool party but past experience has taught me to never expect anyone to swim. I took some lovely pictures with my out-of-style disposable film camera that always gets me lots of weird looks.

Sunday was Tyler's farewell which was accompanied by Marissa coming up from Cedar! My week got ten million times better as soon as I saw that face. It has been way too long. We hung out at Ty's for a while, came home for dinner, and then met up with Tyler and Spencer at Draper Park to play on the playground and forget life for a while. We played one last Game of Things that night, watched Jumanji, and reminisced about the past year of friendship.

Props to Marissa for this picture!

On Monday, Tyler left us for California, so Marissa, Danielle, and I went to Seven Peaks. I splurged on another film camera - waterproof this time - which I think was well worth it! We also met a little boy named Blake who wanted to be a man and go on the biggest slide. I think he liked it, judging from the way he screamed "That was AWESOME!" after he reached the bottom. We made a quick visit to City Creek afterwards, ate a delicious meal prepared by the one and only mother of yours truly, and then Marissa and I watched Sister Wives (featuring SUU and my great friend Sydnie) and Holes (which we thought was a good movie but, ten years later, realized how cheesy it is).

Tuesday, Marissa also had to leave me, and I had another 12 hour day at work followed by another 12 hours of sleeping.

Wednesday I thankfully just had work in the morning at Cowabunga. I even got to hand out churros and Fanta to a bunch of screaming kids. Afterwards, I went swimming for a while and then went to Market Street for calamari with my mom. You can never get enough seafood, you know. We saw Brave after that; cutest movie!

And finally, today. I woke up and cleaned my room so I could at least say I did one thing productive. I laid out by the pool and read for a little while before finally jumping in and then playing fetch with my dog. I watched Juno until my mom got home from work. We went to Asian Star for dinner. Then I went to Erin's wedding reception.

I can't believe one of my best friends is married. Danielle and Erin are the only reason I made it through high school. We have been through school lunches, dances, Pepperwood parties, sleepovers, soccer games, pep rallies, boys, birthdays, graduation, and so much more. And now one third of our little friendship trio is married and on to a whole new stage of life. It's so crazy and so exciting.

Also, it kind of begs the question: Who's next?

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