January 23, 2013


It's been a while, since usually I am a blogging addict and it's been like, 23 days since my last post. Over three weeks? What the...

Probably because I don't have anything exciting to say. This year has gotten off to a pretty good start. I quit working for the University Journal and now have an internship at Braun Books in downtown Cedar City. (I think it's funny that Cedar has a downtown. It consists of like, one block of stores.) I'm the Author Liaison there. It's fun.

In other news, all my friends have left on missions once again. It's an endless cycle.

Tyler's cousin, Spencer, that I became great friends with.

And of course you remember my friend Sydnie from my trip to France!

This semester I'm taking my capstone class, aka Mass Media Theory and Effects, aka the class where I write my senior thesis. I'm not even a senior. So that's cool.

I'm also taking Communication Graphics, and Intro to Broadcast Production (radio class). I'm auditing a French class, since I finished my minor but I don't want to lose all my skillz. And... drumroll... yoga and badminton. Best/worst decision I have ever made had to be taking badminton. Basically it's super embarrassing, but fun. Except when you play people that are really good and take it really seriously. Then it's just embarrassing.

Oh, and I'm taking the "Preparing for Eternal Marriage" institute class. Don't worry, I'm not getting married. This class is hilarious though. More on that to come.

Other than that, not much exciting is going on in my life. I feel like I'm writing a letter to a missionary because I swear all I do in those is ramble on and on about nothing important... so, sorry. Hopefully I will have a good story to tell sometime soon!

PS: I feel like I should issue this warning to all girls. 80s night (or anything else) is not a good excuse to curl your hair with straws. It will take hours out of your life, make you look like a poodle, and tie your hair into a giant knot when you try to wash it out. Resulting in you ripping half the hair out of your head and crying yourself to sleep. NOT WORTH IT. This is not a joke.

This belongs on the Internet, right?

January 1, 2013

Beginnings: 2013.

Welcome to 2013! So far I have spent most of the year sleeping or eating so I'd say it's off to a good start. Anyway, time to make some resolutions.

  1. Keep working out. Let's up the stakes to five days a week with at least 30 minutes of cardio each day, plus strength exercises or whatever.
  2. Only drink soda on special occasions. Now that I have proven to myself that I can go without it, I decided treating myself once in a while is fine. Although I had a Coke last night and I felt like I was pouring black poison into my body. So I'll probably do alright.
  3. Spend less time on my computer/phone and more time reading, writing, and outside doing things.
  4. Eat healthier!
  5. Get back on track with visiting my great grandparents. Once every two weeks!
  6. Take time to do things for other people.
  7. Continue to take risks, come out of my comfort zone, and grow as a person.

As my mom has been saying for the past week, "I'm hoping 13 is my lucky number!" I'm excited to find out what this year holds for not only me, but all of us. Things can only go uphill from here!