September 12, 2013

Here we go.

The first couple weeks of school have taught me a few things.
  1. Not reading textbooks is not going to fly this year. Three quizzes a week on chapters from the book do actually require you to read the book. I learned this lesson the hard way.
  2. Between going to school full time, working 24 to 40 hours a week, ambassadors, homework, working out, and maintaining relationships, I am not going to have a lot of free time, so it's extra important to keep life balanced.
  3. I cannot and will not survive on popcorn chicken from T-Bird Grill. Healthy eating must be done.
  4. That being said, that new Mexican restaurant called Brody's is to die for. I highly recommend you try it out.
  5. I feel like this is the beginning of a semester's worth of panic attacks as I try to decide where and if and what graduate schools to apply for. I'm ready to graduate but at the same time I'm nowhere near ready to graduate.
If anything, though, number five has taught me one thing: I'm going to be stressed a lot, and I'm going to want to freak out a lot, which at times may be justified. But I've come to the realization this week that when these feelings come, sometimes the best thing to do is ride them out - whether that's metaphorically or by actually going out for a long bike/car/scooter ride. After all, everything will work out in the end, and if it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.

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