August 29, 2011

French will kill me.

Week one of college, check.

Now that Welcome Week is over, it's time to really get into the swing of things... which in less words, means do homework. I'm only taking 13 credit hours, 1 of which I can test out of and 2 of which only last until Thanksgiving. Which basically leaves Geology of Natural Disasters, Intro to Public Relations, and... French. I thought taking the AP test was bad, but compared to this class... I don't even want to talk about it. Moving on.

College events thus far, besides actually going to classes, are as follows:

  • Barbecues (free food!) last Monday and Tuesday. Not that eventful.
  • Breaking a world record on Wednesday. Aka the most people blowing a bubble with Double Bubble at the same time. Yep. Cool huh.
  • Kalai! His concert was on Wednesday too. I might be in love. I put a song of his on my playlist... so go listen to it.

  • Club fair on Thursday. I signed up for rugby! Yeahhh buddy.
  • Comedian Tracy Ashley on Friday night. So great. Her Oprah impersonations I could never get sick of. Oh my gosh.
  • Triple date to the bowling alley after the comedian! We won't mention my score. But I didn't come in dead last on the second game! So I'm getting there.
  • "The Lake on the Hill" with friends on Saturday afternoon. It smelled like fish, was full of fish, and I lost a race. But it was fun!

  • 80s dance Saturday night! Finally somewhere that my dancing can fit in. I should have lived my life two decades ago.

Throw in a few episodes of Psych on Netflix, a couple movies, and that was my last week!
College is great. Bottom line.

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