August 7, 2011

Goodbye, greek philosopher.

Well, this past Friday was my last day at Plato's. It's crazy that I am leaving it after so long! I realized that almost all my friends have at one point in time worked there. Most have left, and I have remained. But now even I have left. Reliving the memories:

  • Lady telling me that she bought her pants big because she "planned on gaining weight", but then she didn't so that's why she's selling brand new pants.
  • Dancing to Concrete Beats after hours.
  • Dressing up in crazy costumes to film our movies... which we probably find way funnier than they actually are.
  • Lady telling me that she left her "cute little James Bond gun" in a hotel pillowcase by accident. But then again she also left her concealed weapons permit so she can't carry it anyway.
  • All our parties. Hollywood Walk of Fame, Minute to Win It, Twilight, Christmas parties, movie parties, game parties. They were the best.
  • That one game where you write a sentence, and then the next person draws a picture about it, and then the next person writes a sentence about the picture, etc. I have never laughed so hard in my life.
  • Our wall in the back room that is a collage of song lyrics, signatures, drawings, and inside jokes.
  • Lady telling me that her bank keeps on stealing her money so her card never works. "But I know how to work the system. Run it as credit."
  • Grab Bag. Oh my gosh. Need I say more?
  • Man convinced that there was going to be a fire in our store on Grab Bag and no one would be able to get out and would not shut up about it.
  • Breakfast in the big dressing room.
  • Lady wigging out because we don't take checks and because we won't sell her $45 pants for $20. So she storms out to find a credit card and her daughter pockets her coupon while her mom's not looking.
  • Hipster day.
  • Late night trips to Frogurt, Weinerschnitzel, and Del Taco.
  • Hanging out: Bananagrams, Zupas, and antique shops with Rosie, bowling with Melanie, Nikki, and Kolby, doing hair and watching Salt with Natalie, Ke$ha with Nikki, double dates and Modern family with Tasha, mission farewells and homecomings with Cheryl and Carrie, Pirate-Os with Melanie, stalking Facebook and hair wraps with Annie and Sierra, MGMT with Rosie and Tina, SLC Arts Festival and Draper Days with Madi and Sierra, pretty much everything under the sun with Sierra. And probably a lot more I can't think of.
  • Shewolf in Plato's Closet.
  • Wondering why there was underwear on the floor, and then Cheryl asking if it was mine.
  • Plato's romances, and romance advice.
  • The infamous lady that peed in a shoe.
  • And of course, most importantly all the amazing and lifelong friendships I formed during my time there. Cheryl, Nikki, Tina, Ashley, Natalie, Kolby, Rosie, Tasha, Sierra, Madi, Steffen, Kylee, Annie, Tyler, Melanie, Tricia, Kimber, Robin, Phil, and everyone else. I'm gonna miss you like crazy!

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