August 11, 2010

The train.

My grandmother came over the other day. She always has advice to give me. This time it was "Sometimes you see the train coming, and it's going to hit you, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."

What do you do when that happens? What can you do?

My train is coming next Wednesday.

August 8, 2010


So I've been thinking lately. Girls always get mad about a boy acting different around his friends than he does around her, and vice versa. You act different at work than you do at home or at school. So how do you tell who someone really is?

In my opinion, all of these things make up the whole of that person. Of course you are going to act different with your friends than you do with your manager or your boyfriend.. It's a different situation. What would your boss do if you came into work and acted the way you do with your significant other? Are you putting on a face for your friends, or your mom? Or both?

I think it's neither. You have the hard working, responsible side of yourself that you show at work, the fun side when you're with your friends, the romantic side when you're with that special someone, and the crazy, weird, family side when you're at home. There's not only one side that's really you, you have to put them all together and they make you.

August 6, 2010


Basically, this is what happens when I am searching for a new creative outlet. I buy a $500 camera on a whim, and then start a blog. I used to think music could do that for me... express things that I couldn't put into words. But I came to realize I am just not talented enough at guitar, and definitely not piano. I kept having the urge to draw pictures, but I don't even know how to draw or what I would draw pictures of. So I decided maybe I could take pictures. Pick up a camera and maybe I can create something bigger than myself.

Of course, this could just be another one of my crazy ideas, since I don't even know how to work the camera I just brought home today. But I think it sounds like an adventure so I'm excited. And what I can't create with that camera, I will try to express on the internet. Maybe if I put all my jumbled thoughts and opinions into a keyboard and onto someone's computer screen, somewhere they will make a difference.