August 6, 2010


Basically, this is what happens when I am searching for a new creative outlet. I buy a $500 camera on a whim, and then start a blog. I used to think music could do that for me... express things that I couldn't put into words. But I came to realize I am just not talented enough at guitar, and definitely not piano. I kept having the urge to draw pictures, but I don't even know how to draw or what I would draw pictures of. So I decided maybe I could take pictures. Pick up a camera and maybe I can create something bigger than myself.

Of course, this could just be another one of my crazy ideas, since I don't even know how to work the camera I just brought home today. But I think it sounds like an adventure so I'm excited. And what I can't create with that camera, I will try to express on the internet. Maybe if I put all my jumbled thoughts and opinions into a keyboard and onto someone's computer screen, somewhere they will make a difference.