September 25, 2011

Waking up in Vegas.

That's what I did this weekend when Marissa, Melissa, Keiranne and I decided to take a last minute (the best kind) roadtrip to Las Vegas to party, shop, and maybe see our football team play UNLV. If we had time.

We headed off on Friday afternoon, got to St. George, and stopped to watch the Lion King in 3D. I probably had not seen that movie since I was like 7! It was like a trip back in time. I mean, we had to see it. It's the one chance in our lives to see the Lion King, in 3D, in a movie theater. And that chance only lasted for two weeks. So it was amazing.

Then we got back on the road again and got to Vegas around 8:00 Nevada time, dropped our things off, and hit the strip! We met up with a bunch of other people from SUU and some boys that went to Alta. It's so weird because I didn't even know Jake, Colby, and Stacy that well in high school, (or anyone at my high school for that matter) but as soon as you see them after graduation, you're best friends. It's pretty cool.

Anyway, the seven of us (me, Marissa, Keiranne, Melissa, Stacy, Jake, and Colby) went to find some interesting things to do. We ended up getting creeped on by Caesar, meeting a talking tree, looking at the Fountains of Bellagio, witnessing some mind-blowing magic, getting shocked by a fake lighter, playing spin the bottle (even though the romantic kiss in front of the fountains never went down), mcchillin at McDonald's, and pretty much everything other than seeing the lions at the MGM Grand. But that was really the only disappointment of the night. We finally got picked up in the valet of the Cosmopolitan by our high class limo driver.... or by Brigham in his orange land cruiser. Either way it was stylish.

You would think that our night ended then, but we actually hung out in the apartment parking lot for like an hour because the boys had to show off all the cool stuff they got in California last week, and their pictures, and chat about controversial topics. But it was still a good time. Beats sleeping at least! Cause who does that! But really I enjoyed it.

The next morning we woke up bright and early for some Del Taco (as always!) and some hardcore shopping at Urban Outfitters and H&M. We spent way too much money, but you don't go to Vegas every day!

This is when we meet our worst enemy: Las Vegas roads. We probably left for the football game at like 4:30 and spent an hour going in circles. Why would there be two streets named Russell Road? That's all I want to know. Seriously. Why.

We finally made it there, claimed some seats in the endzone, and proceeded to watch SUU destroy UNLV 41-16, despite the Rebels' excessive trash talking. It felt dang good to revive the old "Scoreboard! Scoreboard!" cheer.

All in all, I must say it was a great weekend. Las Vegas, I'll be back to see you soon.

September 21, 2011


Is it possible to be too trusting 
and yet not trusting at all?

Call me old fashioned, but I think trust should be earned and not merely given. 

Give me one good reason.

September 17, 2011

Flash flood.

Tonight was our big homecoming celebration. It started out with a speech from Pres. Benson (SUU's president), followed by some impressive fireworks set to the soundtrack of "Don't Stop Believin.'" I swear this school is obsessed with that song. Then there was a cute little cover band that played while Tyler Ward set up. If you haven't heard of Tyler Ward, he is a YouTube sensation that played his first show of his first tour tonight at SUU. He's famous! And he touched my hand!

During his show it started raining, which was so epic. Imagine listening to an amazing cover of "Black & Yellow" while getting drenched. Awesome. His show was supposed to go until midnight but unfortunately it started really pouring with thunder and lightning so he had to end early at like 11:15. So we danced and ran home, getting soaked, and headed upstairs for some chicken and potatoes.

At midnight we had True T-Bird night. If I have to explain what that is, you're obviously not one!

Let's just say it would be better if you only had to become one once.

September 13, 2011

Moment magnitude.

I learned in Geology that moment magnitude is a scale for measuring earthquakes, and that usually that number is what they report, not the one on the Richter scale. I just like the name of it.

I just got back from the Homecoming Pageant... I have nothing really to say about it. Ha.

It's been crazy since I got back from St. George. Last week was "Club Week" so there was lots of activities and stuff I guess. I've just been doing a lot of homework. I went to the RHA luau, which was fun. Ah. I don't know. I have nothing to say.

My friend Cam has been dying to be in my blog so I guess I can say something about him. :) I went to his hypnotism show on Friday and it was super funny! The kids he hypnotized were having rap battles and speaking in foreign languages that they did not previously understand. It was so cool. I was way way impressed! Like so impressed. Because I am not hard to impress.

Other than that, nothing really has gone on. Friday we played Dance Central (My favorite game ever. I'm so pro.), went to an Institute party (no comment), a fiesta with lots of chips and salsa, Del Taco, and then the hypnotism show. We had our first home football game on Saturday, which we won. Yes. We actually did win. Then we went to a dance party Saturday night, which is always great. Sunday was an all day homework marathon. Fun stuff.

This week is homecoming week though, plus a visit from my mama, plus my great-grandparents 70th wedding anniversary, plus someone's (I think my mom's cousin's?) actual wedding. Much more eventful for sure.

September 6, 2011

Farther south.

There's a first time for everything... and this weekend it was St. George. I mean, I'm pretty sure I've been there before, but all I remember is thinking it was way cool that High School Musical 2 was filmed at the golf course where my dad was having his business meeting. So I don't think that counts.

Saturday afternoon we packed up our things and headed south to find lodgings at Melissa's grandparent's house. Our evening was spent eating the tops off of Iceberg shakes (eating any more than that would have kept us sick in bed the rest of the weekend. Those things are huge.), donating money to a girl's kidney transplant by means of going to a dance party, and watching Insidious, which sadly does not live up to its pretense of being "the scariest movie ever".

We woke up Sunday afternoon (who knows what happened to the morning) and went to Del Taco for breakfast/lunch. Can I just say, in case you didn't know, that I absolutely love Del? There is no better fast food restaurant. I don't even care what you have to say. If you have not had the funnel cake fries from there, you haven't lived.

Anyway, then we went to Snow Canyon and climbed in the lava caves. I'm so sore, but it was so worth getting a rock dropped on my foot and almost getting stuck down there because I am too short and too dumb to wear real shoes. Toms do not help you climb slippery rocks, just fyi. We found glow sticks and splattered the juice on the rocks in the pitch blackness of the caves. It was so cool.

After leaving Snow Canyon, we showered, went to Subway, and spent an hour looking for the game Curses in Walmart to no avail. So we bought the Game of Things instead and spent the next two hours playing it, and then spent the next four hours after that watching season one of Lost before finally hitting the hay.

Monday, we rose bright and early, hit up McDonald's for breakfast, and got on our way to Zion's National Park. We spent half the day driving up a winding road and through a bunch of tunnels for nothing, since everyone neglected to tell me we were going the wrong way... But we did finally find where we were supposed to be going and hiked up to the Emerald Pools. It was sprinkling and the air smelled like rain mixed with trees and sand and it was amazing.

The only thing that overshadowed this weekend was the - you guessed it - French homework that I have spent the last three hours on. But I am willing to overlook that and appreciate the fact that I got to spend the weekend with good friends, enjoying our Mother Earth. It was a good one.

"Forget not that the Earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair."
                        Khalil Gibran

September 1, 2011