September 17, 2011

Flash flood.

Tonight was our big homecoming celebration. It started out with a speech from Pres. Benson (SUU's president), followed by some impressive fireworks set to the soundtrack of "Don't Stop Believin.'" I swear this school is obsessed with that song. Then there was a cute little cover band that played while Tyler Ward set up. If you haven't heard of Tyler Ward, he is a YouTube sensation that played his first show of his first tour tonight at SUU. He's famous! And he touched my hand!

During his show it started raining, which was so epic. Imagine listening to an amazing cover of "Black & Yellow" while getting drenched. Awesome. His show was supposed to go until midnight but unfortunately it started really pouring with thunder and lightning so he had to end early at like 11:15. So we danced and ran home, getting soaked, and headed upstairs for some chicken and potatoes.

At midnight we had True T-Bird night. If I have to explain what that is, you're obviously not one!

Let's just say it would be better if you only had to become one once.

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