September 13, 2011

Moment magnitude.

I learned in Geology that moment magnitude is a scale for measuring earthquakes, and that usually that number is what they report, not the one on the Richter scale. I just like the name of it.

I just got back from the Homecoming Pageant... I have nothing really to say about it. Ha.

It's been crazy since I got back from St. George. Last week was "Club Week" so there was lots of activities and stuff I guess. I've just been doing a lot of homework. I went to the RHA luau, which was fun. Ah. I don't know. I have nothing to say.

My friend Cam has been dying to be in my blog so I guess I can say something about him. :) I went to his hypnotism show on Friday and it was super funny! The kids he hypnotized were having rap battles and speaking in foreign languages that they did not previously understand. It was so cool. I was way way impressed! Like so impressed. Because I am not hard to impress.

Other than that, nothing really has gone on. Friday we played Dance Central (My favorite game ever. I'm so pro.), went to an Institute party (no comment), a fiesta with lots of chips and salsa, Del Taco, and then the hypnotism show. We had our first home football game on Saturday, which we won. Yes. We actually did win. Then we went to a dance party Saturday night, which is always great. Sunday was an all day homework marathon. Fun stuff.

This week is homecoming week though, plus a visit from my mama, plus my great-grandparents 70th wedding anniversary, plus someone's (I think my mom's cousin's?) actual wedding. Much more eventful for sure.

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