December 18, 2011


This week. There are so many things I want to say but don't know how to explain, and I don't even know where to start. I'll do my best, so just bear with me.

It's weird because you would think that since it was finals week, it wouldn't have been that great of a week. But it actually was one of the best weeks I can remember having in a while.

I went to the Messiah on Monday night, which definitely started me out on a high note. For the past few years, I have gone to the sing-in performance at Abravanel Hall with my dad and it is one of my favorite Christmas traditions. I was sad that I wouldn't be able to this year because I wouldn't be home. Luckily, Marissa is in the Orchestra of Southern Utah and she informed me that they were doing a free performance of it, so I could go. There is just something about the Messiah. I love it so much.

Fast forward to Thursday, when I got done with finals. I rocked my communications one, and I can only hope the same for my other ones! I got back to Draper that night and went to Temple Square with some friends from school. I absolutely love it when all the lights are up and the candles are floating in the reflection pool. It is so pretty and so humbling.

On Friday I went to the J.Wride Christmas show with Melissa. I don't know if I have said anything about them before but this is one of my favorite bands! Jesse has come to SUU twice but this was the first time that I got to see the whole band together! To put it simply, it was amazing. Plus, my friend Lance's band, littlebigheart, opened for them, and they are wonderful too. So much feeling and humanity in their music. Check both of them out.

Sometimes I have a really strong sense of intuition, or at least that's what I call it. I don't think it is necessarily just that. It's how I make a lot of important decisions. It's the reason that I transferred schools in the first week of my sophomore year of high school, why SUU was the only school I applied to, and why I chose journalism over public relations. Sometimes something makes perfect sense logically, but I just can't do it if my heart isn't in it. It has to feel right.

Anyway, lately I've been having the feeling that there was something I needed to detach myself from. For whatever reason, I needed to leave this piece of me in the past for now. It was a difficult feeling for me to understand because it's not a bad thing. I had been putting it off for a while.

This week, though, I realized that I wasn't the only one feeling this way, and I was able to let go. It is the most freeing feeling. I don't know what the future has in store for me, or why I needed to do this, but in the words of Marilyn Monroe: "I believe everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let them go. Things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they are right.

"Sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together."

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