March 11, 2012

Self realization.

Things I have learned about myself since Spring Break started yesterday:
  1. I should never wear headphones in public. I have already caught myself singing out loud while walking through the gym, and screaming at my dog that he is being an idiot while a ton of people passed by me at Draper Park. I only realized the latter after some lady tapped my shoulder to ask me for directions. Embarrassing.
  2. If I was caught in the zombie apocalypse, I would die. I have this new app on my phone called "Zombies, Run!" that simulates zombies chasing you while you work out! It's very effective in getting me to exercise. But thanks to my dog being dumb when I took him running today, I got killed by the zombies. Thus the reason for yelling at him at the park.
  3. I have an unhealthy addiction to both Cadbury eggs and Chinese food. That's not really new, though.
  4. I can't go to Urban Outfitters and not buy things. It is a serious issue. But, on the bright side, my boring Saturday nights in the future are about to get a lot less boring now that I have a book entitled "Truth or Dare: The Party Game".
  5. I am so glad to be done with high school. Seeing a million kids at PF Chang's on their way to prom definitely did not make me miss awkward dates, school lunches, drama, high school boys, or staying home on those nights when I didn't get asked to dances. Not that my prom was awkward; it was perfect. I'm just saying, I'm content that it's all in the past.
Anyway, between this blog post and my recent Facebook statuses about Star Trek and eating expired macaroni, I am making myself look super cool. Please date me.

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