March 5, 2012

The latest.

It's been a few days, but honestly, I don't really have much to say.

Highlights of the last couple weeks include:
  • Skiing at Brian Head. The creep on the right is Tyler...
  • Allred and J.Wride concerts.
  • Taking lots of pictures for my photography class. Landscapes were last week's assignment, which are not my favorite, but I did end up with a couple that I liked. Portraits are up and coming.

  • Playing guitar in my ward's talent show and the latest open mic night. Maybe I'll make a YouTube video or something.
  • And that's pretty much it. Not the most exciting time.
In other news, I feel like my blog is just a play by play of my life and it gets boring. So I'm going to try to change that. I don't have anything cool to talk about today though, so I'm already off to a bad start.

Also, I want to publicly apologize to anyone I may have offended in the past week! I don't know if I did, I just know it wasn't the best week for me. Sometimes school, drama, rumors, stress, and lack of sleep all hit you in the face at once. I already am not one to have a lot of girl friends, or get along well with girls, for who knows what reason. It's something I am always working on. So, if I have seemed insolent, I'm sorry! Don't take it personally.

Anyway, I'll talk to you all again when I come up with something interesting. Have a good week! Only five days until Spring Break!

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