February 24, 2012

Three months.

Over the last few days I have been just overcome with excitement because of this fact: I am going to be in France for the entire month of May on a study abroad.

And I've recently realized that is only three months away. Ahhhh. So close, but yet so far!

Not only that, but while I'm there I am going to a play, a ballet in the same building that Phantom of the Opera happened/was inspired in, and a Coeur de Pirate concert! First of all, a French play is awesome. Second, Phantom of the Opera is up there when it comes to my favorite movies, and a French ballet has got to be way sweet. Third, Coeur de Pirate is probably my favorite ever and this is like a dream coming true. Please go listen to some of her music.

Basically, I've been spending all my time daydreaming about France and the last time I was in Paris.

I was only there for like three days, rushing around to different tourist attractions. I can't wait to go back and experience everything and take pictures and speak French and eat crepes and buy clothes and make friends. I'll be in Paris for three weeks and Nice for one week. I honestly can't even believe I'm doing it.

Other things I can't wait for:
  • Spring break. Even though I have no idea what I'm going to do.
  • Spring, in general.
  • Festival of Colors.
  • Soccer intramurals. Even though we will probably lose.
  • Summer.
  • Next semester and living with my best friends Marissa, Dylan, and Katey.
  • Life!
I used to be a party animal and stay up until like three every night, and now it's only 12:30 and my eyes are begging for sleep. I'm trying to be a good friend though, and stay up until Tyler finds the prank I just played on him so I can help him clean it up. He did help me with the newspaper, after all. But I'm going to fall asleep soon and then he is going to be SOL! Curse him and his classless Tuesdays/Thursdays that give him an excuse to stay up late.

Oh, this is what I did:

That would be two giant boxes of Cheerios emptied between the mattress and the fitted sheet on his bed. I know the picture doesn't look like a lot, but trust me, there are mountains of healthy cereal in there. That should make for a good night's sleep tonight! And a hearty breakfast tomorrow!

Now I have to wait until tomorrow to actually publish this post since I just revealed all my secrets. So, as you're reading it, just remember I wrote it at night and it will all make sense.

Tyler still hasn't found it though, and judging from the fact that he is playing Call of Duty and not picking up on my subliminal (or actually, somewhat blatant) Facebook chat messages that he should get in bed, it's not going to happen anytime soon. So I guess he's on his own with this one, because I am hitting the hay!

Goodnight blogworld.

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