February 5, 2012

Get creative.

Sunday is blogging day, judging from my homepage on Blogger and my Facebook news feed. So I figured I should join in the rush! Plus the Superbowl is on right now and it bores me. I'm just here to cheer for the Giants so I can get some free sushi!

This week has been all a blur. I don't even remember the first half of it at all. I probably just spent some time at the gym and on homework. Oh, and watching the same episode of AFV like 50 times. It definitely did not get funnier. Just saying.

Friday, Dylan and I went down to St. George to party it up at her grandma's house. We visited a hidden gem of a restaurant known as Benja, where we devoured some delicious sushi and received excellent customer service. I would recommend it for sure. I should get paid for all the advertising I do on here.

We then went back to the house and planned out our video that we wanted to make. This included making a long list, changing into costume, and risking our lives for a couple of baseball caps. Was it worth it? See for yourself:

Hot tubbing for an hour finished off our night quite nicely, before crawling into bed in the "Gypsy Suite" and sleeping like a log. The next morning, we made a quick run to Dixie Rock so I could take some pictures for my photography assignment, and the bookstore so I could buy my new favorite thing: A Wreck This Journal

Basically this is a journal that gives you instructions about how to destroy it. The instructions are, of course, open to interpretation, and the main idea is to expand your creativity and think outside the box. Lately I have been feeling like I need more creative outlets (thus the tree on my wall, constant guitar playing, and my obsessive redecorating of my room) so this should be perfect. I can't wait to start on it!

Last night I was privileged enough to go on a date with Tyler and we doubled with Mike and Dylan. It was super fun! We went to Pizza Factory for dinner, where I should have started an eating contest because I out-ate everyone without even trying. I think it's more embarrassing for Mike and Tyler than it is for me...

A game of Cranium proved that Tyler definitely made the right choice in asking me on this date, since we succeeded in guessing everything the other did, including making a trombone and a kilt out of clay, drawing a high five and a scooter with eyes closed, defining "schmutz" (thanks dad), and acting out bra shopping. All of these things combined produced a win for team Shannon and Tyler!

Krave was next, followed by a screening of In Time. Now I just want a tattoo of 13 zeros on my left arm so I can literally be the walking dead! 

In other news, I am thinking about starting a style blog. Not of my own fashions, necessarily, but it's up in the air. Thoughts? Collaboration requests? I'm open to ideas. Also, I added a page for my bucket list on here. It's mostly just for me, but if you're interested, the link is on the side right under my bio!

It's now halftime and my chances of getting sushi could go either way. Only time will tell I suppose! Come on Giants!

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