January 30, 2012

Ghosts and guns.

I guess I will keep up my habit of writing every ten days and crank out a few more stories for you before January is over. 2012, almost one twelfth gone.

I think I left off two weekends ago, so hopefully I can remember that far back! If I remember right, the night of the day I wrote my last post was the night of the BYU gymnastics meet or something like that, which we lost, but it was still fun. After that we went to the food fight dance for a little while and then played some blackjack in Tyler's room. It was fun, but I gambled away all of my chips so after that it wasn't that fun.

The next day I slept all day, hit up the Pizza Factory for dinner, and then went to the basketball game. I'll be honest, I'm not a big fan of watching basketball, but it was still pretty sweet. Also, it was basically a GHA reunion so that was cool too. After the game, Mike, Dylan, Marissa, and I went to Denny's for some smoothies, then Mike ditched and the rest of us went to an awesome party. We went back to Mike's after and talked for a few hours before hitting the hay. That was one of my favorite days in college, I think.

That Sunday was the usual: church, indexing, brunch, followed by "family night" in the evening. We went to Mike's that night to play Family Feud and make cookies before coming back to get our weekly fix of Modern Family.

I don't really remember what I did this past week. A few trips to the gym, some homework, and movies. On Thursday I went with Dylan and her roommates to the St. George temple to do baptisms. It had been a long time since I had been to the temple, at least since last summer. It was definitely what I needed this week.

We also went to Texas Roadhouse while we were down there, where I ate way more than I should have, but I couldn't stop. It was too good. Then we visited the cute little mall that basically consists of a Pac Sun, American Eagle, Buckle, and an Asian Gifts that's going out of business. But I did use that to my advantage to buy this elephant statue 50% off. It brings good luck if it faces the door. 

Dylan and I also found fur hats that we wanted to buy, but they were $35. So we contented ourselves with taking a picture.

Friday night we had a ton of time to kill starting around 5:30, so Marissa, Dylan, Tyler, and I played a few (last) games of Family Feud (because that game is a letdown) and Halo, which I am terrible at. We went to "Pie an RA" and played more blackjack, but then we wanted to check out the Institute dance so we left early. That turned out to be less exciting than expected, so we ended up at Mike's again for a movie. Upon leaving Mike's house, we were being followed by some unknown white car. However, thanks to my driving skills and the experience of the Darth Evader (that's my car's name, by the way), we lost them and our lives were spared. Tyler and I watched Facing the Giants after all that, which we were surprised to find was a somewhat cheesy Christian football movie. It was still good though!

Saturday was a super fun day. I slept in while Marissa went running because I had already worked out my four days that week (I'm so on top of my new year's resolutions it's ridiculous), and then Tyler took us shooting. It was my first time ever shooting a gun and let's just say i don't have the most skill. It was super fun though! Especially watching Marissa try to throw the clay pigeons.

That night we had a Paranormal Activity marathon, which was not the best idea because my back was extremely sore the next day from sitting on the floor for five hours. I did manage to scare Tyler when he came in the door once though so it was worth it. We finished off the night with a game of mini golf on the Xbox, where I came in second only because Tyler has probably played that game a million times. 

Sunday was just another normal day where I procrastinated my homework, played some games, and watched some MF. I didn't waste all my time though - I spent two hours of my day constructing this tree on my wall.

It still needs birds flying out of the cage, but I'm quite happy with it. 

Goodnight friends.

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