January 20, 2012

Loving your tie.

I just learned a cover of a cover of Super Bass on guitar, and I can't stop playing it! Or I just can't stop playing guitar period. Thank you Drew Tabor for your inspirational YouTube channel.

Lots of fun things have happened since my last post, so I thought I should make an update at least for my own records. It starts right where I left off: Last Wednesday, casino night.

I do not play card games, ever, because I am incapable of playing them without making a fool of myself. But I did want to go to casino night so I forced Marissa and Tyler to teach me blackjack on Tuesday. Of course I forgot it by the time I got there... but I remembered it quickly and managed to make $500 more than what I started with!

I didn't win anything in the raffle, but seeing Starms freak out and run up to claim his bag of Jolly Ranchers was almost as good.

Thursday was the club fair, nothing too exciting other than some free candy.

Friday I got out of my photography class at 4 and ran into Lance, and then ended up spending the entire afternoon playing Hanging With Friends (which I am incapable of losing) with him before going to the gymnastics meet. We lost, but it was still sick! I love those meets!

Later that night was magician Mike Super as part of Welcome Week. Honestly, the best part was when he drew a picture of a card and before we even knew if it was the right picture, someone said "Oh my gosh!" like it was the most amazing thing he had ever seen. Then Marissa, Tyler, Dylan, Jennifer, Marcus, and I watched Fired Up and Sydney White before hitting the hay.

The next day we slept in and then got up to go running. I didn't realize how much I missed running on the track! I only ran for my sophomore and junior years in high school but I forgot how fun it really is. The weather was perfect, too. Amazing. That night we went to the "Unbirthday Dance", which was super fun too until a metal pole fell on Jennifer's head. But she was okay and went to watch a movie so we went back to the dance.

Sunday was full of interesting things, including Marissa bailing on the stairs and face-planting into a wall at church, playing Game of Things, and watching Modern Family late into the night since there was no school on Monday.

We woke up semi-early (ten o'clock) on Monday to go running again, and then I went to visit my great-grandparents that live just around the corner from me in Cedar. My great grandpa will be 94 this year and they just celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. Needless to say, every visit is a new experience.

This week, apparently they had been getting calls from numerous scammers that told them they were eligible to win some large amount of money. My grandma had been getting more and more frustrated with each call (I think there were three of them), so by the time the third guy called she just answered by saying "Go blow it out your ear!" and hung up. I was dying laughing when I heard this story, and it gets better.

I was telling them about how Christmas was, and how school was going and everything. Honestly, I didn't even think my grandpa could hear/was listening to what I was saying, but all of a sudden he pipes up with "Oh, to be young again. I would love to be young again just for a little while."
Grandma: "Yes, but what you have to think about is - would you live your life the same way, or would you change anything?"
Grandpa: "Oh, I don't know. Maybe I would become a polygamist."
Grandma: "What?!"
I literally was crying at this point it was so funny. I'm pretty sure he was joking. Hopefully Grandma knows that...

That night Tyler, Marissa, Dylan, and I went over to Mike Lee's house for a game of Curses, which just never gets old, and Ice Age. ("You better watch your back... because I'll be chewing on it.") Since then I have just been playing guitar, bowling, watching YouTube videos, and doing homework. It has been a good couple weeks for sure though, and now it's the weekend again! Yes. More great things to come.

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