July 15, 2012


Well, hi.

In case you were wondering, I made it through this weekend. But I doubt you were since I have basically disappeared from the Internet for three whole days and you have no idea what I've even been doing. Which is like, unheard of.

Let me just start out by saying I have the greatest friends ever. This past week and a half has been made so much easier by a few select people that I am so grateful for. You know who you are... and if you don't, not to worry because I'm about to write about it so you can just look for your name.

Sierra, Madi, and Annie: What would I do without these three? I don't know why we waited half the summer to have our reunion. I will forever be grateful we all worked at Plato's so we could be brought together. Snow cones, IHOP, and coffee shop conversation were just what I needed last week. Spending a bunch of money at F21, maybe not so much. But I have no regrets. I love you guys.

Cam: I seriously can't believe it has been four years since we met! A lot has changed since before your mission but I'm so glad that we have stayed best friends through it all. Thanks for taking me on motorcycle rides and for our long conversations about life and arguments about cars this week. And of course, our bike ride tradition is still kicking. Summer wouldn't be the same without it!

Tyler Deboer: I don't know how you knew to come pick me up from my house, buy a carton of cookies and cream ice cream, and drive to a park with a swing set to talk, pig out, and look at the stars, but it was much needed. Plus, how would I ever find good music to listen to without your advice?

Mike Lee: Let's be honest, GHA was the best thing to ever happen to me. Without it I would have never ended up at SUU or met this quality kid. This whole past year and especially this summer just would not be the same without his hilarious texts and Facebook statuses to keep me entertained. And I know I will have something exciting to do at least once a week when one of us makes the 45 minute drive to hang out!

Mike Nash: The fact that our friendship has survived all this time also kind of shocks me. I remember all the way back to ninth grade biology when we met. Middle school wasn't exactly my shining moment but I guess that didn't matter! We've been through the highs of crashing sweet sixteens and definitely the lows of a certain house by Draper temple. But we made it through it all and now you are also weeks away from the MTC and a mission. Loved that joke of a tennis match and Arctic Circle ice creams this week.

Danielle: What can I even say? I know that I transferred schools and randomly joined the track team sophomore year for a reason and I'm pretty sure it was so that we could become friends. No matter how long we go without talking or seeing each other, nothing will ever change. You are my best friend and I know I can always call on you whenever I need someone to talk to, hang out with, or get free food with (which was our purpose this week. Cow Appreciation Day!). You're the best, seriously.

Marissa: Can't forget this girl! We were both kind of MIA this week but a midnight Skype date last night got us caught up. I'm still amazed that I was lucky enough to get a roommate this cool. I literally cannot wait for fall semester. Come faster!

So you see why my friends are awesome. Other than all of these adventures, I spent around 50 hours of my time at Plato's/Cowabunga, which was just as awesome (that's me being sarcastic). Except for yesterday was Grab Bag at Plato's, which really was super great. Basically, you stuff all the clearance items you can into a grocery bag, and you get the whole thing for ten dollars. When I got to work at 8 am, there was already a line outside the door and we don't even open until 10. The people in the front of the line said they had been there since 6:30! This was the line when we opened our doors. You can't even see the end of it. People are crazy.

I was in charge of dressing rooms, which I have never done before, and it was madness. However, the best part of Grab Bag is talking to everyone, which was kind of hard to do in the past when I was on registers, because you have to go so fast. I loved finding out everyone's story: how long they had been there, who they were shopping for, and their strategies to fit the most into the bag. There were old ladies braving the crowds for their grandchildren (One sat down right in front of a dressing room to sort clothes and narrowly missed getting a black eye from the door opening.), couples in search of a cheap date idea (Okay, I might have made that up. There were couples but I hope they weren't on an actual date.), and moms dragging their little kids around hoping they didn't get trampled (This is my personal pet peeve due to the fact that I spent half the day being attacked by small children with balloons.). My favorite was the woman and teenage boy I met that were friends only because they see each other at Grab Bag twice a year and the boy taught her how to stuff the bags. It's pretty much my favorite day to work at Plato's Closet, even though it might look like the worst.

In other news, I have successfully gone 6 months and 15 days without drinking soda, which is a big deal. It might be the first new year's resolution that I have actually kept. I've been doing pretty well at working out four times a week but it was difficult in France, and getting back in the habit is even more difficult.

Now I am just sitting on my bed eating European chocolate and dreading tomorrow when I have to start another 40+ hour work week. It gives me something to keep me busy though, which I am grateful for. Plus, Dark Knight Rises comes out on Friday and I cannot wait. If anyone wants to join me sometime this week to watch the first two, feel free!

Thanks again to all of my fantastic friends. I'll see you guys soon.

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