July 25, 2012

Scattered showers.

Guru Pathik once said, "The greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation."

And yes, I did just use a quote from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

I've had a lot of time to think this week due to the fact that I drove down to Cedar City to visit Marissa and take a tour of our apartment for the fall. I didn't have any epiphanies or anything, and I still don't know the meaning of life, but sometimes it's nice just to think about things. And what I realized was that every single person I have ever known has had a profound impact on me and helped to create who I am today. I'm so amazed by and grateful for that. We are all part of a bigger picture; a web; we are trees with roots all tangled together. And even when someone is gone, for a little while or a long time, many times their impact is still there, still shaping you. We are never truly separate or alone.

So anyway, I don't really know what I'm trying to say. There's my thought for the day.

I saw Batman. Not only did I see it, I became Catwoman in honor of the occasion. Complete with a velvet Halloween costume made for a ten-year-old girl, leopard print moccasins, and ruby red lipstick. Rawr.

I could rave about it for hours, but I won't. It was absolutely amazing, and anyone who disagrees can get out because this is my blog and I say that to be here you have to like Batman. So either change your opinion immediately or leave.

My heart goes out to the people of Aurora, CO whose movie and lives were cut short before they should have been. May that town and especially those families have comfort.

I went to a REAL game. They are the best, especially when my team wins (which they did) and there's a fireworks display after (which there was).

I've noticed that my eyes don't squint when I smile like everyone else's. Is that creepy? I feel like it is. Maybe it's just in pictures.

I went to Mike N's mission farewell and I think he went into the MTC today. Add him to the list of letters I need to write! Since then I have been in Cedar with Marissa. We didn't do much, but we watched some cute movies and went to a beach party. It was a much needed vacation from my crazy work life!

Tomorrow: Back to the grind. But each day brings me closer to moving back down to Cedar, so I will continue to embrace it! I'm so close!

I guess I will stop rambling now. Maybe someday I'll have something exciting to blog about but until then you can just attempt to read these scattered updates from my life. Have a good night, my friends!

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