October 8, 2012

It's the little things.

Rain when the sun is shining. Bare feet on hardwood floors. Snowflakes flying toward the windshield. Sunrises. Freshly washed hair. The smell of Christmas. City lights in December. Warm skin in the summer. Leaves crunching under boots. Crooked smiles. Eyes crinkled from laughter. Watermelon seeds. Loosely held hands. Blanket forts. Secret tree houses. Glow in the dark stars. Getting a letter in the mail. A good book on a stormy day. A brand new pencil. The sound of the ocean. Mowing the lawn. Running without purpose. Rolling down a hill. Swing-sets under the stars. A good view. Forehead kisses. Cookies and cream ice cream. Coloring a picture.

Butterflies in your stomach. Climbing a mountain without a path. Bike rides at sunset in the autumn. Pinky promises. Goosebumps. Apple cider. Star gazing and cloud watching and day dreaming. The hope the future holds. Changing plans. Singing hymns. Talking to yourself. Long showers. College campuses. Dewdrops on flowers. Poetry. Sun dresses. Corn mazes and pumpkin patches. Fruit trees. Clouds that hug the hilltops. Comfy slippers and classic movies. Unexpected eye contact. Shared secrets. Deep conversations. Sushi. The smell of a new book. Old fashioned newspapers. New friendships. Setting goals.

The stories that old people tell. Getting a ride when you thought you had to walk. River rafting. Paragliding. A huge dog that still likes to cuddle. Listening to music while cooking. Fresh chocolate chip cookies. Reading glasses. Polka dots. Movies that make you cry. Reunions. Children's cereal. A cup of tea. Missing someone. Framed photographs. Sunroofs. Bird silhouettes. Dust dancing in the sunlight. Afternoon naps. An inspiring quote. An unexpected phone call from an old friend. Bulletin boards. A thoughtful note. A lit fireplace on Christmas Eve. Harry Potter. Cliff jumping. Fishtail braids. Not procrastinating. Libraries. Inspiration and intuition.

We live in such a beautiful world.

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