September 29, 2012

Coming home.

It's been one of those weeks.

One of those weeks when your idea of a break is sneaking in a photo shoot between classes, work, and planning your future.

One of those weeks when you bomb a French quiz but decide to forget it about it and spend your night watching your friends compete for homecoming queen.

One of those weeks when you spend two hours wandering around campus learning the names of statues and the location of Grandma's Living Room.

One of those weeks when you only have one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays but you're still on campus until sundown, working, doing homework, and spending hours in the Welcome Center stuffing envelopes.

One of those weeks when you get a call when you're at a concert and have to fight your way out of the mob to cover a breaking news story.

One of those weeks when you go to True T-Bird for the free chapstick.

One of those really great weeks.

That being said, it's also been one of those days.

One of those days when you leave your apartment at 7:00 am and don't return until 8:30 pm.

One of those days when Thor fills out your race registration form for you.

One of those days when you're running on four hours of sleep, wake up at 6:30 am to run a 5K, then be in a parade, then go to a tailgate, then a football game, then go grocery shopping, and then take your roommate out to dinner for her birthday.

One of those days when after doing all of that, you think you're going to go to a party, but instead end up asleep in the fetal position on your couch for an hour and a half.

Then you take a shower and realize there's a lightning bolt sunburned onto your face.

Still, one of those really great days.

Homecoming 2012.

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