September 13, 2012


I would love to just have a completely unproductive day. It's only the third week of school and my life is so hectic. I never get stressed, and I am stressed.

Things I have accomplished so far this week:
  • Going to all my classes
  • Writing four stories for the Journal (I still have two more to write)
  • Grocery shopping
  • Reading three chapters in my textbook
  • Doing my French homework (twice)
  • Taking two quizzes
  • Writing a press release for my online class
  • Sending a package
  • Cleaning my apartment
Add to that: spending all of Saturday night in the ER with Marissa (kidney stones, don't fret), driving to Draper for high school tour, dealing with (boy) drama, and not feeling too healthy today, and I am about at my rope's end.

Luckily, there have been a few really fun things thrown in there to keep me from completely losing my mind.
  • Hiking Kanarraville Falls: Freezing cold water and treacherous ladders but oh so fun. Made even more fun if you for some reason decide to do it in flip-flops. (Not. Don't do that.)
  • Hanging out with Spencer at Draper Park for a night.
  • Watching Mean Girls and The Cheetah Girls with your roommates.
  • Going to Sand Hollow for an awesome party: Cliff jumping, playing ultimate frisbee, shoreline dance party... etc.
  • Watching Hot Rod under the stars.
  • Being serenaded by three random boys when they stopped by our apartment to vacuum and take out our trash.

Like I said, it's been hectic. This weekend I'm headed back up to Draper for Jake's mission farewell and hopefully some relaxation. Until then, I'll be working on the newspaper some more and trying not explode. Over and out.

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