November 30, 2012

The end is near.

Last few weeks of the semester = major stress. I have a 12 page paper to write, a portfolio to put together, three news articles to send in, flex points to finish, stats homework to do, finals to study for, French everything, an internship to apply for, and the list goes on. I'm sure everyone has their own lists comparable to mine. It's madness.

Here is a list of things I've seen lately that give me hope we'll make it through. And just hope for the human race/future in general.

  • An old couple sitting on the overpass trying to get semi trucks to honk for them... and succeeding.
  • A student and a man with autism singing Christmas carols in the PE building.
  • The date December 15. It's coming no matter what grade I get in French poetry!
  • People with broken legs zooming around on scooters. Are crutches not cool anymore or...?
  • This video.
  • Compliments. This does not include being honked at while you're crossing the street. At least roll down your window and yell something incomprehensible. 
  • An old woman telling a girl "I love you" simply because they shared a short conversation on a Sunday morning.
  • "Let go of the past and go for the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined." - Henry David Thoreau
  • This song.
  • Asian Star. Maybe if I graduate college, I'll be able to afford eating there without being forced to go during happy hour or with my parents' money.
  • The preview for "Warm Bodies." Actually, maybe it's creepy that this gives me hope for the future. Let's change it to the preview for "Star Trek Into Darkness" even though the preview for that hasn't come out yet.

Okay, I'm done since I'm just rambling now and fresh out of uplifting quotes/videos. Happy finals, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

PS. This one isn't that uplifting, but if you want to laugh/cry yourself to sleep tonight, watch this video.


  1. Do you have a SEMESTER long French poetry class? I'm lucky because my Spanish poetry was only 1/3 of the semester. We also did novels and dramas.

    Also, I've totally seen the guy with the broken leg on the scooter!

    1. Ah you're SO lucky. Mine is all poetry all the time and it is straight up awful.
