November 19, 2012


Sometimes you have a really good week, then a pretty normal week, then a very bad week. And you start wondering why every week can't be like the first week and why this semester has been pretty much the hardest four months of your life and why bad things happen to good people. And it makes you very sad and you spend four hours watching Modern Family and ignoring the homework you should be doing because life is hard and nothing's really worth it anyway.

But then the time comes when you have to take a step back and realize that really, you're just focusing on the bad things that have happened like a messed-up ignition and a flat tire (not a great time for my car) or how it was raining at the parade that you didn't even really want to go to (Rain on my parade? Irony anyone?) or how hard school is and how much you hate doing homework. And you think to yourself, what about all the good things that have happened this week?

  • Good things like Tyler A. giving me six free tickets to the Twilight premiere and even though it's probably the lamest movie in existence, it was two hours of rolling-on-the-floor laughter that I quite frankly enjoyed.
  • Like Pratt and Scott volunteering to change my tire even though they could easily have just gone home and I could have called AAA or something.
  • Good things like Tyler C. bringing me a gallon of cookies-and-cream ice cream in the middle of the night even though he lives halfway across town.
  • Like my friends asking me for relationship advice even though, let's be honest, I'm the last person they should be asking. But I enjoy it.
  • Like the people who will sit and listen to me rant for hours and days about life and attempt to give me advice even though it won't help, but it's still good to talk.
  • Good things like Phil giving me a Maggie Moo's gift card for no reason at all even though he really could just keep it for himself.
  • Like how even though it was raining on the parade, the sun eventually came out and a rainbow spread across the sky and the cutest little kids were there and it was actually super fun.
  • Good things like going to two parties in one weekend and making new friends even though the semester's almost over and I could have easily just stayed home and watched more Modern Family.

So, looking back, maybe it really wasn't that bad of a week after all. Maybe it's the less-than-good times in life that show us what we are really capable of. (For instance, the fact that I managed to write two news articles on my phone while sitting at Big-O tires for two hours. Or the fact that I ran 5 miles without stopping when the farthest I have ever run is 3... maybe I should be in a bad mood more often.)

Times like these happen I guess. There will be weeks when you feel like you're back in middle school or at BYU (or a combination) and weeks when it feels like no one else in the world possesses common sense. But then those weeks are over. And there are tons of other, better weeks to look forward to.

One week can change your whole future, if you let it. Or it can just be a week.


  1. I feel like we had a similar week.
    Love you! Excited to see your face!

  2. Thank you so much. This was great to read. Also, we still need to go out for pizza. Thanks for taking my event hour the other day.

    1. Thanks Brantz! Don't worry we will definitely get pizza.
