February 4, 2013


Halcyon (adj.): calm, peaceful, tranquil; prosperous; carefree.

Also known as the title of Ellie Goulding's most recent album. And a pretty good word to describe my weekend and life in general. I'll tell you why:

There was a leadership weekend this week, and since I'm an ambassador I signed up to be a Personal Development Group leader. This meant that I got my own group of nine kids to party with for 24 hours and teach them about being leaders. I started at noon on Friday and was basically with them nonstop until midnight, and then from 8 am to noon the next day. We played games, watched gymnastics, built contraptions, had dance parties, tried to win candy, and talked a lot (mostly about how to not get bucked off a wild bareback horse, because I was very interested). It was sweet.

My PD group!

My best PC friends were here as well!

Finished up with the leadership weekend and then hopped in the car with Tommy to make the drive to Salt Lake. By the time we got there, it was t-minus 4 hours until the concert I have been looking forward to for, um, my entire life: Ellie Goulding. Then, suddenly we were there and it was t-minus 30 minutes. And then this awesome opening act was playing, St. Lucia (check them out here, they're way good!) and then they were gone and we were all screaming "ELLIE!" and then oh my gosh she was there and she was singing and it sounded just like on her album and I think I was crying on the inside because I was so happy. Seriously, if you are not an Ellie Goulding fan, go listen to her music now. Not only is she incredibly talented and unique as an artist, she is equally as charming and down to earth as a person. I'm obsessed with her and could go on forever but I'll stop now.

Unfortunately the concert of a lifetime was over all too soon, so we woke up early and drove back to Cedar in time for church. Then, of course, was the Superbowl, where I think I ate my weight in ribs, peanut butter rice krispie treats, and chips and dip, while simultaneously fangirling over Beyonce with Marissa, Tommy, and Shaun and making some really hilarious jokes about power outages and babies that probably should never be repeated. I don't have pictures of this portion... sorry.

So, all in all, a pretty halcyon weekend. I don't know if that's how you use that word in a sentence but it sounds cool to me! In the words of Ellie, "This is a really beautiful place, so thumbs up to that!"

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