June 30, 2013


It's halfway through 2013 already. (Side note: Sorry all my posts start with "It's halfway through _____ already." Like, can you believe it's halfway through the morning already? Let's talk about everything that has happened.) But really, since I have nothing to write about ever, I thought I would just make myself more accountable for my goals for this year and do a little self-check-up.
  1. Keep working out. I'm doing alright with this... I've been slacking hardcore over the past couple months though and my body is less than happy. Although I did run my first 10K a couple weeks ago which I was pretty happy about! I want to run a half marathon this fall so I better get serious.
  2. Only drink soda on special occasions. I'm a pro at not drinking soda, let's be honest. The last one I had was a bottled cream soda at a wedding reception but no one can pass that up. Other than that I don't think I've had any in months.
  3. Spend less time on my computer and more time doing cool things. This is one of the best goals I've made, I think. Instead of watching reruns of the Walking Dead all summer I have read three and a half books, been hiking multiple times, and spent more time with people! It's so great!
  4. Eat healthier. This comes and goes. For the most part I do pretty well but at the same time, pizza.
  5. Visit my great grandparents every two weeks. I'm awful! I seriously need to do this.
  6. Take time to do things for other people. I think I have done well with this. But I could always do better.
  7. Continue to take risks, come out of my comfort zone, and grow as a person. I think I have done this a lot this year so far. Can't wait to hike Angel's Landing and then I can really say I've been out of my comfort zone!
Okay, that's the last you'll have to hear about this until the end of December when I have a post that begins "2013 is over already" or something to that effect. I know you weren't sure if time was passing or not. Good thing I'm here to remind you, right?

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