June 20, 2013

Cedar summer.

Did you know it's already June 20? Which means summer is basically halfway over? And what do I have to show for it?

I decided to stay in Cedar City for the summer in hopes of scoring scholarship housing (which I did) and getting a job I can keep through the school year (which I did) and maybe even getting a hot boyfriend (which I did). However, the latter two have put me in an interesting situation called "Spending Summer Driving All Over God's Creation" because my job is in Hurricane (45 minutes away from Cedar) and this boy lived in Lehi (3 hour drive from Cedar) which then changed to St. George (still 45 minutes from Cedar). So basically all of this means that my highly anticipated "Cedar City Summer" has drastically changed... into something way more awesome even if it is putting a lot of miles on my new beautiful car (which I named the Enterprise by the way! Star Trek for life). Okay this paragraph has way too many parentheses.

So basically, instead of spending the past two months watching Netflix and scrolling through endless pages on Tumblr, I have spent a lot of time doing a lot of really fun things:

Cheesecake Factory at City Creek! 

Solo-hiking the C... halfway at least.

Hiking in some gorgeous St. George redrock

Hogle Zoo!

Hiking Kanarraville Falls. There's nothing better than this hike.

Running my first 10K!


Watching this amazing sunset from cliffs over the beach.

USA vs. Honduras World Cup qualifier with my brother!

As you can see, so far it has been one whirlwind of a summer. And I've done one single thing in Cedar City which was (kind of) hike the C trail. Oh and I've obviously been to Tiki Shack. But don't even worry... I still have a lot of things to do before the season fades. Which means... here is, a bit overdue, my summer bucket list.
  • Hike the whole C trail
  • Angel's Landing
  • The Narrows
  • Play disc golf
  • Kanarraville Falls (again!)
  • Sand Hollow
  • Cave glowstick party
  • Harry Potter marathon
  • Train for a half marathon
  • Read a book or more every month
  • Stargazing
  • Ghost town
I don't know what to call this summer. But whatever or wherever it is... let's get this thing started. I'm stoked.

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