August 18, 2013

The narrows.

Last weekend I got to cross one of my biggest summer bucket list items off: hiking the Narrows. Which meant I got to spend 6 hours between the walls of a canyon and up to my knees in water looking at this kind of gorgeous scenery. It was truly one of the most humbling experiences. Also, I got to wear really cool socks.

There were many highlights which included trying to eavesdrop on the conversations of French people, being up to my waist in water because I'm so short, thinking there was going to be an orange grove around the corner because someone peeled an orange, getting laughed at when I fell in the water, laughing at Colby when he almost fell in the water, doing parkour, getting hounded by some dad about where we went hiking, and mainly just taking in the beauty that is really right in our backyard.

If you get the chance to hike the Narrows, I highly recommend you take that chance! Next up: Angels Landing!

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