January 16, 2014

Stop the madness.

I truly believe the ultimate plague of this generation is spam email.

When I was bored between classes the other day, I decided to open up my old email on Yahoo. I made the switch to Gmail about a year ago (as everyone should) but I still have to open up the old one every few weeks just in case someone still hasn't gotten the memo. To my horror, when I finally made it to my inbox (which took a while since I forgot my password... again) there were over 300 unread emails and only, like, two of them were actual emails. The rest of them featured everything from the American Cancer Society, to iTunes, to Indoor Soccer, to The Yoga Shop. There were things in there I have never even signed up for or heard of in my life.

So, I decided to spend the next hour going through every single one of those emails and clicking "unsubscribe." Sometimes all I had to do was click one button. Sometimes I had to put in my email address. Sometimes I had to click a list of things I wanted to be unsubscribed from and explain why. Other times I had to put in a code and then do all of the above. Overall it was awful. But I did it. I refuse to be one of those people with 6204 unread emails piling up in my notification center. (On that note, if you are one of those people: How do you do it?!)

The worst part about it all is that I'm still getting spam. I unsubscribed from every single one of those blasted email but I'm still getting like three a day. Which I admit is a lot better than 20 a day but still. Why?!

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