November 27, 2011

Giving thanks.

It's my first post from D-town for a while! Or as some like to call it, Sandy, since I don't technically live in Draper. But whatever.

It's been a good weekend. It started with a relaxing night at home with the family and a nice home-cooked meal, which I am always lacking. The next day I was finally reunited with Madi and Sierra at our Zupas dinner date... followed by another reunion with Danielle. All my best friends were back!

Chamberlain Thanksgiving was next. Nothing is better than getting together with my mom's side of the family. Of course, we were supposed to eat at two and no one showed up until about three. Classic. Dinner was finished off with a hot potato game to win boxes of cereal with silver dollars taped to them. Or bags of cereal, when the box was MIA for some reason. Also classic. Then a kids game of bingo. Then adult bingo, with even better prizes. I won a notepad, a flower hair clip, a package of toilet paper, and these lovely (or creepy) mouse/beaver things. Soooo classic. Loved it.

I got to Walmart at about 10:15 that night. The Black Friday deals started at 10. I literally could not move. All I wanted was Dance Central 2! It took Madi, Sierra, and I like 20 minutes just to get to the back of the store, and of course by the time we made it back there it was already gone. So we headed to the mall to get in line, since it opened at midnight. It's hard to tell in the picture, but the line was crazy. We were right at the front.

We almost got trampled by a pack of psycho girls when the doors opened, but we made it in and ran around the mall with everyone and into PacSun and Forever 21, where I learned I have a weakness for tribal print. Two hours later we emerged, put in a very complicated order at Del (as always), and collapsed in my room. A pretty successful night if you ask me!

Later on Black Friday, we reconvened (along with Annie) at Sierra's house for a couple hilarious games of Balderdash and then a trip to U-Swirl, also known as Frogurt. But I do have to admit that this new U-Swirl place is better.

Saturday was pretty uneventful. Helped set up the Christmas tree, since apparently I am the only one who knows how to work the lights and put together the little train that goes around it. Went to Mad Greek. Talked to Danielle, Erin, and Cameron for a little. Came home to pack and practice guitar.

All in all, this weekend has really been an eye-opener for me. I've come to realize how much things have changed, and yet how some things always stay the same, and how I take a lot of things for granted. I have never really felt the spirit of Thanksgiving before, but this year I really am so grateful for everything I have. My amazing family, my friends, all the opportunities I have, everything I have experienced so far in my life, the gospel, and the whole world that is open in front of me. I really could not ask for more.

November 19, 2011

Gag reflex.

I'm not really one to do movie reviews, but let me tell you a story. Don't worry, it won't contain any spoilers.

It was Thursday night. I had just gotten back from the hypnotist show at the school and Marissa got back from the gym. I was whining about how I had nothing to do and I didn't have class till 2 the next day. Marissa took a shower and wasn't tired at all. Then we both realized that it was Thursday night at 11:30 - half an hour before the premier of Breaking Dawn. So we jumped in my car and headed for the nearest movie theatre, half hoping that it wouldn't be sold out but half hoping it would be.

We went to Stadium 8 first, and after a strange experience that involved a wedding dress and an old lady getting a little too personal with Marissa, found that it was sold out. Luckily, though, Cedar City is a happening enough place to have two movie theatres, and the other one still had plenty of tickets. A stroke of luck... or so we thought.

I don't even like the book so I don't know what would possess me to go on this adventure. We settled into our seats, preparing for a lame, cheesy movie. However, what we got was much, much worse than that. It was the most disgusting, graphic, horrific movie I have ever seen. I can usually handle anything in movies, but this was a different story. I didn't even fall asleep like I always do. I went from covering my eyes in some parts, to gagging and almost throwing up, to screaming my head off. So much blood. Soooo much blood.

The only thing that redeemed this movie was Taylor Lautner during the five seconds he had his shirt off. That, and making up funny lines in my head for what Edward could be saying during the many awkward moments throughout the show.

Other than that, it was terrible. Awful. Completely horrid. Don't ever see it.

Next time I'm bored on a Thursday night, someone please give me something better to do.

November 8, 2011


Last week was not my favorite.

I've been thinking about the past a lot, and how things could be different. The people that I miss and the ones who have changed me were on my mind. Sometimes it feels like everyone is the same and everyone just wants things from others instead of really wanting to spend time with them. I guess it's the feeling that everyone gets sometimes.

So today I am especially thankful for those people in my life who care. Those of you who called me last week just to talk and see how I am doing, and to share life's trials and victories. Those of you who offered your help when I didn't know what to do. Those of you who were content to sit on the floor and watch movie after movie on a Friday night, because that's just what I needed. Those of you who thought to text me just because. Those of you who knock on my door to see if I want a dinner companion or a ride. Those of you who I know I can turn to in my time of need.

Thank you.

November 1, 2011

Decision time, and Halloween.

Well, I made the decision. Journalism it is. We'll see how this goes!

On a separate note, Halloween was yesterday. It was pretty much a wild weekend. Friday was the Howl, which was a combination of scares, magic, photo booth flip books, tattoos, parrots, and mostly dancing. Followed by more dancing at the after party until four in the A.M. Marissa was a lion and I was a werewolf, complete with fangs that made me talk like Sid the Sloth. Although Tyler (who had the coolest costume ever: Redfoo from LMFAO. So legit. I take credit for his facial hair) thought I looked more like Shakira, so we decided I was a Shewolf and played the song for good measure.

These antics were followed by our last home football game the next day, where we raped UC Davis. Luckily they were redeemed by their marching band that saluted us with strains of Cee Lo Green and Muse. We left early to get Maggie Moo's ice cream and watch some TV.

Next up was Applebee's (Wow. I am doing a lot of name dropping today.) for dinner with Marissa and then back home to get ready for some Saturday night partying. I was a hippie this time, if you could call it that. It really was just a shirt that says "peace" on the front. After dancing it up with LMFAO (again) and some dinosaurs we popped in Easy A for a late night movie party. Can I just say how much I love that movie? See my Facebook status from Sunday for an example.

Sunday passed relatively uneventfully. Just some church, Skype dates with the best and the fam, and a couple episodes of Modern Family.

Monday was the day when things turned for the (comically) worse, in four prime events. 

I went to class and lunch in the morning and everything was normal. Then, I was just driving back from the bank, minding my own business, when suddenly my driver's side window just fell. I tried to roll it up and it made a horrible grinding sound. Eventually I found out, after running around to all the boys in the dorm, that a part inside there probably failed so I get to get it replaced. So that's awesome. That's number one.

About fifteen minutes after that happened, I got my DVD player from Devin (who very kindly brought it down from my house over the weekend), set it up on its side next to our fridge, and popped a Modern Family DVD in there. It fell out because the player was on its side. Naturally, I thought nothing of this, and just kept on trying it until the disc fell inside the DVD player, and Marissa and I had to spend the next half hour unscrewing the entire thing to get it out. Number two.

Life went on, and then it was Halloween night and time to find something to do. I got dressed up in my final costume: Uhura from Star Trek. So cool. Marissa was Superman, Melissa was a hippie (basically the same one I was on Saturday), and Cam was an aviator. We headed out to find another dance party, but upon arriving there were about three cars in the parking lot. So, we bagged that idea and headed to a house party. When we got there, we found out that we were literally the only ones dressed up. Keep in mind that Cam, Marissa, and Melissa had normal, simple homemade costumes and I was dressed in a full-on Star Trek jumpsuit with my hair cemented into a slicked-back ponytail and eyeliner wings. I was not going into that party. Well, it took a lot of convincing by my friends to get me into that party. And it was so embarrassing. Number three.

Last but not least, Marissa and I visited the McDonald's drive-thru (still in costume) to order a McRib, since her nickname is McRib. We had to. Anyway, remember from before when my window stopped working? When we entered the drive-thru, it was duct-taped as far as I could get it closed... so food was not coming through the window in any way, shape, or form. How did we solve that problem, you might ask? 

And that was number four.