November 27, 2011

Giving thanks.

It's my first post from D-town for a while! Or as some like to call it, Sandy, since I don't technically live in Draper. But whatever.

It's been a good weekend. It started with a relaxing night at home with the family and a nice home-cooked meal, which I am always lacking. The next day I was finally reunited with Madi and Sierra at our Zupas dinner date... followed by another reunion with Danielle. All my best friends were back!

Chamberlain Thanksgiving was next. Nothing is better than getting together with my mom's side of the family. Of course, we were supposed to eat at two and no one showed up until about three. Classic. Dinner was finished off with a hot potato game to win boxes of cereal with silver dollars taped to them. Or bags of cereal, when the box was MIA for some reason. Also classic. Then a kids game of bingo. Then adult bingo, with even better prizes. I won a notepad, a flower hair clip, a package of toilet paper, and these lovely (or creepy) mouse/beaver things. Soooo classic. Loved it.

I got to Walmart at about 10:15 that night. The Black Friday deals started at 10. I literally could not move. All I wanted was Dance Central 2! It took Madi, Sierra, and I like 20 minutes just to get to the back of the store, and of course by the time we made it back there it was already gone. So we headed to the mall to get in line, since it opened at midnight. It's hard to tell in the picture, but the line was crazy. We were right at the front.

We almost got trampled by a pack of psycho girls when the doors opened, but we made it in and ran around the mall with everyone and into PacSun and Forever 21, where I learned I have a weakness for tribal print. Two hours later we emerged, put in a very complicated order at Del (as always), and collapsed in my room. A pretty successful night if you ask me!

Later on Black Friday, we reconvened (along with Annie) at Sierra's house for a couple hilarious games of Balderdash and then a trip to U-Swirl, also known as Frogurt. But I do have to admit that this new U-Swirl place is better.

Saturday was pretty uneventful. Helped set up the Christmas tree, since apparently I am the only one who knows how to work the lights and put together the little train that goes around it. Went to Mad Greek. Talked to Danielle, Erin, and Cameron for a little. Came home to pack and practice guitar.

All in all, this weekend has really been an eye-opener for me. I've come to realize how much things have changed, and yet how some things always stay the same, and how I take a lot of things for granted. I have never really felt the spirit of Thanksgiving before, but this year I really am so grateful for everything I have. My amazing family, my friends, all the opportunities I have, everything I have experienced so far in my life, the gospel, and the whole world that is open in front of me. I really could not ask for more.

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