August 12, 2012


I've met a lot of interesting people lately.

Thursday, at the Twilight Concert:
It was supposed to be Passion Pit playing but apparently he had a mental breakdown due to drugs and couldn't make it. So instead, Rachel, Rosie, and I got to see Austra and Divine Fits (whoever that is). If you saw three girls dancing their hearts out right in the middle of the crowd... Guilty!

Guy drinking beer next to us before the show: Man, I'm so bummed that Passion Pit canceled!
Me: Yeah, so are we!
Guy: Did you hear he's in rehab or something?
Rosie: Yeah, we heard he had a mental breakdown for drugs.
Guy: I just don't get why he couldn't just come play this show first! It's probably because it's Utah. He knew he needed to sober up to come here.

Girl standing in front of us while we were dancing (to her boyfriend): I'm gonna join them.
Girl (to me): You guys are fun! (starts dancing crazy)

Hipster boy behind us: You guys are by far the hardest rockers at this show.
Rosie: Hey, you could be!
Boy: Teach me your moves! Please! I'm just going to copy every single thing you do.

All in all, great night.

Friday, at Plato's:
Okay, background story on this is that I was just chilling in the guys' section straightening denim (which is like the bane of my existence. I don't know why guys jeans have to be so heavy that they fall off the hanger by themselves, and then everyone who shops them just rip them off to make it worse) when I hear this lady talking. No one else was back there.

Lady: Is it just me, or does anyone else think that's really weird? I just think that's really weird.

I didn't think she was talking to me so I just looked away and she walked off. I went back there to see who she was talking to, but there was no one there. Next thing I know, she's behind me, tapping on my shoulder.

Lady: Do you not think that's weird?
Me: Uh, think what's weird?
Lady: The words to the song.
Me: What did it say...?
Lady: "I'm looking for something dumb to do, I think I want to marry you."
Me: Um, yeah, I guess that's weird.
Lady: I just think that is sooooo sad!!!
Me: Okay...

Then she walked away. I'm so glad I have one last crazy customer to remember Plato's by. As if I didn't already have like five million. (Read about more here, if you want.) Also I feel like all these conversations were probably a lot cooler/funnier for me, in person, but whatever.

In other news, my dad broke his arm last week while mountain biking. And when I say "broke", I mean he compound fractured his arm and got life flighted off the mountain. Another day in the Doty household...?

Due to this, I got to spend a day with my brother in Park City last week. We went to the PC Arts Festival and saw Batman (my third time). It was pretty chill and Oakley, where he goes to school, has got to be among the most beautiful places out there.

I also went to Nitro Circus 3D with my other brother. Our family friend known as Jeremy Rawle invited us, so we went. I would highly recommend anything with the words "Nitro Circus" in the title.

Yesterday, I woke up at the crack of dawn (6:30) and went to the hot air balloon festival before work. Then I went back that night to see them glow. Then I played ping pong and N64 Mario Kart with my friends. I'm a pro at both so anyone who wants to challenge me, please do.

And last but not least, I quit both my jobs! I'm a free bird again. Cowabunga and Plato's are behind me, for good this time. Which means (drum roll please) it's back to Cedar on Friday! Ask me if I'm excited. Because that's an understatement.

PS: Special shout out to Instagram for allowing me to create these wonderful, square, vintage style photos to share with you all in order to illustrate my life.

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