October 14, 2013

Forever red.

This past weekend was my last homecoming as an undergrad, and it could not have been more of an adventure.

Luckily, I got work off at the last minute. I was super pumped that I would actually be able to go to the football game, since it's my last year and all. Unfortunately, because of work and homework and doing an open house for SUU in Provo, I couldn't attend any of the activities Monday through Thursday.

Friday finally arrived and with it came Colby, who drove up from St. George to entertain his college girlfriend's homecoming excitement. The plan for Friday night was to go to Forever Red, which is always a big concert with free food, fun, and fireworks, and then of course to go to true T-bird afterward. We made pork quesadillas right before going to Forever Red even though there was going to be free food, because according to Colby: "When they say there's going to be free food, there's never food." (Amateur.)

I was a little nervous that Colby was going to think this whole homecoming thing was super lame, because first of all he went to UVU and secondly, he told me his first impression of me was that I was going to be an obnoxious girl obsessed with her school. (He still hasn't figured out that's exactly who I am... shh.) Luckily my fears were abated when we got to campus and were greeted by an a cappella quartet composed of 50-year-old men. Definitely the coolest and most un-lame thing that could happen.

We met up with some friends, got free food (which there was plenty of), and watched some great opening acts and fireworks before Hellogoodbye finally appeared onstage. They were incredible, just like I remembered from middle school, and even ended with my favorite song of theirs: Oh, It Is Love.

Then, it came time for true T-bird. Let me just explain that the worst thing that could have happened during homecoming week at SUU happened: I got a cold sore. The stresses of life became too much for my little body to bear and so from my lip sprouted a hideous fever blister. Luckily, though, my relationship is not based solely on looks and with the help of modern medicine, that blemish subsided enough for me to make my boyfriend a true T-bird. The real highlight, though, was watching some girl rape-kiss a member of Hellogoodbye. Classic.

The next morning, 7:00 came early as did the realization that I had made a horrible error: signing up to run the SUUper Sorrel 5K when I haven't run any distance at all since June and also it was an all time high temperature of 32 degrees outside. I reluctantly bundled up in all my Nike gear: shoes, socks, hoodie, gloves (and Forever 21 tights... no one can afford tights from Nike) and headed out the door to the starting line.

Mile 1 was a piece of cake. Then Mile 2 hit and I started choking on the bone-chilling cold air and almost threw up on the side of the trail. Then my cheap tights kept falling down and my ponytail kept falling out and my music kept getting too loud and too quiet. Then I hit Mile 3 and told myself I would run the rest of the way even though my foot really hurt. By the time I crossed the finish line I was literally near death. But there, lo and behold, was this saint waiting for me with cinnamon rolls and chocolate milk. Hashtag luckiest girl ever.

We went back to my house to eat and shower before going to the parade. The weather had magically turned bearable and I was supposed to actually be in the parade with all my PA friends, but my foot was seriously messed up from that run so I opted to sit on the curb and enjoy.

The tailgate was next, where Colby broke his 8 year long no-hot-dog streak and I accidentally nailed some kid with a football.

And finally, the homecoming game. We played Portland State and it was a lot of back-and-forth and a lot of standing on my practically broken foot, but SUU pulled it off, I learned the fight song, and Thor got to ride in a helicopter, so it was basically winning all around. I even convinced Colby to wear an SUU shirt and cheer for my team.

All in all, I wouldn't change a single part of my last homecoming. This weekend, along with everything else going on in my life lately, is bordering on perfection.

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