November 20, 2013

College. Yikes.

This time of year can get crazy. Finals are coming up, projects are due, and you're trying to apply to college. Here's a list of ten pointers to follow when you're getting ready to submit those applications.

  • DON'T panic. Deciding to go to college is a big step, especially if you're not sure exactly where you want to go. But don't worry, it will all work out. The more you panic, the more unnecessary stress you will put on yourself.
  • DO apply to more than one school. Even if you do know exactly where you want to go, it's not wise to put all your eggs in one basket. If you don't get in to your dream school, you will want to have other options.
  • DON'T only apply where your friends are going. If you actually want to go to that school for good reasons, go ahead and apply. But don't just set your sights on a school that might not have your hear just because all your friends want to go there. College is a new start and a good time to expand your circle of friends.
  • DO apply to schools that you love. Even if it's not your parents' top choice for you and even if you won't know a single person going there. My choice fell in both of those categories and it worked out pretty well. In the end, where you go to college is about you and your life.
  • DON'T wait until the last minute. Applications take time, and the sooner you get yours in, the better chance you will have of getting scholarships and other opportunities. SUU's priority scholarship deadline is December 1st, which is just around the corner.
  • DO take your time. Most schools require essays as part of the application, and you definitely want to take the time to make sure you write a quality paper and don't just throw it together to get it over with.
  • DON'T only look at schools online. Call or email your admissions counselors, talk to your teachers at school, learn from people in your community about their college experiences and what they recommend. 
  • DO visit the schools you are thinking about. Take a tour, attend a class, get to know current students and what their life is like. At SUU, you can sign up for a campus tour any weekday and there are tons of upcoming events for high school students.
  • DON'T worry about committing yet. Applying to a school and being accepted isn't a commitment until you make it one.
  • DO attend events to gain more opportunities. For example, SUU has leadership weekends that showcase all of the leadership organizations on campus, and just by coming you will be placed in one. Many other universities have similar opportunities.

I know applying for college can be crazy and overwhelming. The thought of moving out and leaving your home and your comfort zone can be terrifying, but I promise it is worth it! I wouldn't change or take back the experiences I have had at SUU for anything. Don't worry. You'll make it.

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