November 24, 2013

How being a senior is not like being a freshman.

Sometimes I wonder how I ever became a senior in college. And then I look back at my life as a freshman and I'm like "oh."

Freshman year:
  • Somehow have all the money in the world even though you have no job. Let's totally drive to Vegas, back to Cedar, to St. George, and then to Salt Lake all in the same week and pay for all the gas.
  • Craziest social life ever. Stay up until 2 a.m. watching your friends play Call of Duty until they finally let you play and then ridicule you the entire time and then never let you play again. Or watch all the Paranormal Activity movies in a row on the floor of a dorm room. Or wander around Walmart in the middle of the night for no reason.
  • Be an idiot about dating. But all the older guys are into you because you're so cool (*clueless)!
  • Never have homework. Or maybe you do have homework but you never do it? Or you just have no recollection of doing it because you spent too much time watching Call of Duty and now your brain is fried.
  • Don't go to class but also don't fail class. Freshmen never go to class and they're totally fine! How is that even possible? Also what do they do when they're not in class?
  • Eat a ton of food but never gain wait. Freshman 15 is a total lie. I could eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and I felt super great. Dining hall all day every day.
  • Go home in the middle of the school day and take a nap. After all, you just live right across the street! And what else do you have to do?
  • Keep the same backpack all year. You don't have any heavy books to carry. Most of the time you barely need a notebook, let alone your laptop. Sometimes you use your backpack to hold an apple you took from the dining hall.

Senior year:
  • Work two jobs and never have money. Oh, you're going out for ice cream at Carl's Junior? Let me see if I have an extra 50 cents in my budget this month.
  • No social life whatsoever. Sleep, eat, school, work, homework, sleep, repeat. And on the weekends, watch an entire season of New Girl on Netflix and don't talk to anyone unless it's your neighbor's cat.
  • The only person you think about talking to is your boyfriend. At least you're not that clueless about dating anymore, I guess.
  • Do nothing but homework. Write eight essays in two weeks. Oh and do a project, and write a speech, and then two more projects. But hey, also don't forget about your grad school apps.
  • Go to every single class and have a full fledged panic attack if you have to miss a class for any reason even if it's valid. Oh my gosh did we have a pop quiz? What if I don't have the notes for the next test? Maybe the essay was explained and now I'm going to have no clue what to write. Life is over.
  • Eat nothing but healthy food and work out for an hour every day and still gain weight. I swear I just ran fourteen miles so it's all muscle weight right? I knew I would never recover from eating all those crepes in France. But also... worth it.
  • Stay at the school for at least 12 hours every day. There are a million essays to write and also who can afford the gas it takes to get home and back an extra time?
  • Break two backpacks in the first three months of school. I don't understand why this $15 Urban Outfitters bag can't handle holding my laptop, five textbooks, and a massive planner. What a rip-off. 

Okay, okay, senior year isn't as bad as I make it out to be. It's actually a lot of fun! But it's definitely no care-free freshman year. I can't believe I only have one semester left.

1 comment:

  1. That's so crazy that you are graduating!!!! So sad. I knew the day would come one day when all my friends leave haha. Freshman year was so awesome! Not looking forward to next year at all. I just can't believe how fast college went by. :(
