April 1, 2012

I am not engaged.

I've been in relationships. I've been in those awkward, grey area things where you don't really know what your status is and no one bothers to clarify. I've had crushes, been twitter-pated, and been head-over-heels in love. The difference between me and many girls my age: none of these things have led me to marriage.

It really is amazing how many girls get engaged and married fresh out of high school. Next thing you know, they're going to be popping out kids and I'm still going to be sitting on the playground saying "Where do these things come from?" (That's a joke. I know where babies come from.) But seriously. It's astonishing to me. I swear every day there's a new engagement relationship status change on Facebook.

Not that there's anything wrong with getting married young, and especially if you know it's right and you're in love and so on and so forth. I just think, for me, it's a little rushed. I want to get out there and enjoy my time! I want to go to France, party on the weekends, and live with my best friends. I want to go out and go on trips without having to worry about how my husband is going to get through school or how I'm going to pay next month's bills. Maybe this is selfish of me... but is it? I'm definitely not against being in a relationship... In fact, I embrace it! And I want to get married someday. And I will. But that day will not be when I am 19 years old.

Anyway, I'm done with that little rant. It's the beauty of living in Utah, I guess.

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