May 25, 2012

Life on the daily.

Bonjour, bon soir, ou bon moment de la journée où vous lisez ce post.

Today I present to you: a day in the life of a Parisian study abroad.

7:15 am: Wake up. Take an awkward and dreaded shower while sitting in a bathtub and holding the shower nozzle. Try to shave your legs. Give up and feel a little more European.

7:45 am: Eat breakfast (toasted baguette) in the tiny kitchen. Anne Charlotte provides corn flakes too, but it's not very French, she tells us.

8:00 am: Leave for school. Walk to the Metro, board the Metro, leave the Metro, walk to school. On the way, pass by the cute little primary school where we sometimes see our relief society teacher dropping off her child. School starts at 8:30, but get there at 8:45.

12:30 pm: Leave school (finally!). Get a sandwich at the boulangerie.

1:00-8:00 pm: Explore Paris! Shopping, hanging out in a garden, and eating crepes are among my favorite choses à faire.

8:00 pm: Return home to eat dinner. We have enjoyed many delicacies courtesy of our host Anne Charlotte. The frog legs from last night's dinner are among the more exotic.

9:30 pm: Head out for a night on the town, which mostly just involves walking around to see and be seen. And eating more crepes.

Wash, rinse, and repeat.

Other things I have done since my last post are as follows:

Père Lachaise Cemetery

Oscar Wilde

Edith Piaf

Jim Morrison

Saint Sulpice

Statue of Liberty

National Treasure 3 here I come! 

Also, a list of the little things that have made me happy this week:

  • The adorable Brazilian boy at the Swatch store that learned my name, said it in a likewise adorable accent, and then sold me a cool watch.
  • The owner of the café on our street that always says "bonjour les filles!" when we walk by. Yesterday he asked where we were from and welcomed us to Paris.
  • The cute old man on the Metro that said "à tes souhait" to me today when I sneezed, and then told me to have a good night when his stop came.
  • The lady at a museum we tried to visit that put up with my terribly formed French sentences.
  • The little boy on the Metro that danced to a street performer. He screamed when he saw a dog, but I think he just wanted us to laugh.
  • This conversation that I had with some kid while I was on the lover's padlock bridge today. Keep in mind it was all in French.
    • Him: Hi.
    • Me: ...Hi?
    • Him: I like your outfit, it's very charming.
    • Me: Uh, thanks.
    • Him: How old are you?
    • Me: 22. (Ha!)
    • Him: What's your name?
    • Me: Michelle. What's yours?
    • Him: (Something incomprehensible)
    • Me: Nice to meet you...
    • Him: You should give me your number.
    • Me: Uh, no.
    • Him: Do you have a boyfriend?
    • Me: Yes.
    • Him: What a shame. Let me give you my number.
    • Me: Thanks, but no. I have a boyfriend!
    • Him: That's not a big deal. Let me just give you my number, then you can choose to call me or not.
    • Me: Uh, okay. (Pretend to type his number into my phone)
    • Him: I would like to take a walk with you if you want.
    • Me: No, I'm meeting my friends in like ten minutes, so I should go. Thanks though!
    • Him: Okay. Call me!
  • The party we had in the Metro station tonight with street performers and an old man who loved to dance.

It's been real, Paris. But it's time to say au revoir. En route to Nice, France at 10:49 tomorrow morning!

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