December 31, 2011

Endings: 2011.

It's the last day of 2011.

Looking back, it hasn't been the worst year, but it hasn't been the best. There definitely were some highlights though.

January: Bringing in the new year in downtown Salt Lake. Making it to the halfway point of my senior year. Winning the awards for "Best Style" and "Staying most calm in a crisis" at the Plato's District Party. Going to the Sundance film festival with my friends from France.

February: Competing in Sterling Scholar, foreign language division and moving on to the finals. Turning 18, on the 18th, and celebrating by going to see Ke$ha.

March: Joining and playing on my mom's women's league soccer team. Going on an amazing prom date for the first and only time in high school. Making the top 15 Sterling Scholar finalists.

April: Going rock climbing for the first time. Going to Bear Lake for spring break and spending the whole time watching old Disney movies on VHS in the loft. Singing in church. 

May: Taking the last AP tests of my life. Spontaneously taking a trip to Moab, sleeping in a land cruiser, and showering in a hostel.

June: Graduating. Going to the Bahamas for my senior trip. Parasailing, swimming with dolphins, and going down the steepest slide at Atlantis.

July: Discovering geocaching. Finding out I passed all my AP tests, even French. Going to REAL games. Spending a night in Cedar for orientation.

August: Working my last shift at Plato's closet. Seeing Hot Chelle Rae, The Summer Set, and We The Kings. Going to the hot air balloon festival. Starting college. Making amazing new friends.

September: Going to St. George and Zions National Park for Labor Day weekend. Seeing Tyler Ward and becoming a true T-bird. Going to Las Vegas for the UNLV football game. 

October: Seeing Yellowcard and Go Radio. Coming home to see my friends get married. Going to the Howl. Having a very interesting and eventful Halloween. 

November: Another trip to St. George for a cute little art's festival. Coming home again for Thanksgiving with the whole family. Going Black Friday shopping. Watching The Muppets movie on a whim in the middle of the night. 

December: Finishing my first semester of college. Going to Temple Square to see the lights with amazing friends. Celebrating a simple Christmas with my family. Seeing old friends and going on fun dates. 

2011 has taught me important lessons, showed me who my true friends are, and will be a year I definitely won't forget. I can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for me. 

December 18, 2011


This week. There are so many things I want to say but don't know how to explain, and I don't even know where to start. I'll do my best, so just bear with me.

It's weird because you would think that since it was finals week, it wouldn't have been that great of a week. But it actually was one of the best weeks I can remember having in a while.

I went to the Messiah on Monday night, which definitely started me out on a high note. For the past few years, I have gone to the sing-in performance at Abravanel Hall with my dad and it is one of my favorite Christmas traditions. I was sad that I wouldn't be able to this year because I wouldn't be home. Luckily, Marissa is in the Orchestra of Southern Utah and she informed me that they were doing a free performance of it, so I could go. There is just something about the Messiah. I love it so much.

Fast forward to Thursday, when I got done with finals. I rocked my communications one, and I can only hope the same for my other ones! I got back to Draper that night and went to Temple Square with some friends from school. I absolutely love it when all the lights are up and the candles are floating in the reflection pool. It is so pretty and so humbling.

On Friday I went to the J.Wride Christmas show with Melissa. I don't know if I have said anything about them before but this is one of my favorite bands! Jesse has come to SUU twice but this was the first time that I got to see the whole band together! To put it simply, it was amazing. Plus, my friend Lance's band, littlebigheart, opened for them, and they are wonderful too. So much feeling and humanity in their music. Check both of them out.

Sometimes I have a really strong sense of intuition, or at least that's what I call it. I don't think it is necessarily just that. It's how I make a lot of important decisions. It's the reason that I transferred schools in the first week of my sophomore year of high school, why SUU was the only school I applied to, and why I chose journalism over public relations. Sometimes something makes perfect sense logically, but I just can't do it if my heart isn't in it. It has to feel right.

Anyway, lately I've been having the feeling that there was something I needed to detach myself from. For whatever reason, I needed to leave this piece of me in the past for now. It was a difficult feeling for me to understand because it's not a bad thing. I had been putting it off for a while.

This week, though, I realized that I wasn't the only one feeling this way, and I was able to let go. It is the most freeing feeling. I don't know what the future has in store for me, or why I needed to do this, but in the words of Marilyn Monroe: "I believe everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let them go. Things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they are right.

"Sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together."

December 11, 2011


It's been a mostly typical Sunday.

I spent the first half of my day looking for my ID card which I lost for the third time this semester (not to mention the time earlier this week when both me and Marissa got locked out). It is the key to my house and my way of obtaining meals. I can't live without that thing. After checking everywhere along the hall, my car, Roberto's, and tearing my room apart, I finally found it outside in the parking lot. I believe in miracles!

The second half of my day was spent listening to French pop and drifting in and out of sleep on my bed while I attempted to do my homework, which I actually did get mostly done! Now all I have left for this week is making a resume, writing a letter of introduction, and studying like crazy for my finals in PR and Geology. Yay. Kill me now.

Once I make it through all of that, though, I can go home for three weeks! I don't know what I'm going to do there, other than Christmas of course, but at least I won't be in school. Maybe someone will take me on a date to Temple Square to see the lights. It's my favorite thing!

Tonight I am probably going to procrastinate everything else I need to do and watch the Virgin Diaries instead. It is just the greatest show ever. Last week I literally almost threw up watching that couple kiss for the first time on their wedding day. I don't even know how they have faces left after that. Seriously.

See you after finals week, friends.

Revision: Literally ten minutes after writing this post, I got locked out of my building again. And then found out Virgin Diaries isn't even on tonight. C'est la vie.

December 4, 2011

Stop, and take a moment.

I watched a video today that really opened my eyes.

Here it is.

I don't really think I can add much to this, but this boy is amazing to me. He has been bullied for seven years and it has torn him apart. He's terrified to go back to school. But he's going to go back. He is stronger than those words. The thing is, there are so many people that aren't.

Bullying and depression are things that are a very big deal to me. Depression runs in my family, and I spent a while in middle school dealing with it myself. It's not easy.

The bottom line is, people's feelings should not be taken lightly. The things we say and do can affect others in ways we often cannot imagine... for better or worse.

November 27, 2011

Giving thanks.

It's my first post from D-town for a while! Or as some like to call it, Sandy, since I don't technically live in Draper. But whatever.

It's been a good weekend. It started with a relaxing night at home with the family and a nice home-cooked meal, which I am always lacking. The next day I was finally reunited with Madi and Sierra at our Zupas dinner date... followed by another reunion with Danielle. All my best friends were back!

Chamberlain Thanksgiving was next. Nothing is better than getting together with my mom's side of the family. Of course, we were supposed to eat at two and no one showed up until about three. Classic. Dinner was finished off with a hot potato game to win boxes of cereal with silver dollars taped to them. Or bags of cereal, when the box was MIA for some reason. Also classic. Then a kids game of bingo. Then adult bingo, with even better prizes. I won a notepad, a flower hair clip, a package of toilet paper, and these lovely (or creepy) mouse/beaver things. Soooo classic. Loved it.

I got to Walmart at about 10:15 that night. The Black Friday deals started at 10. I literally could not move. All I wanted was Dance Central 2! It took Madi, Sierra, and I like 20 minutes just to get to the back of the store, and of course by the time we made it back there it was already gone. So we headed to the mall to get in line, since it opened at midnight. It's hard to tell in the picture, but the line was crazy. We were right at the front.

We almost got trampled by a pack of psycho girls when the doors opened, but we made it in and ran around the mall with everyone and into PacSun and Forever 21, where I learned I have a weakness for tribal print. Two hours later we emerged, put in a very complicated order at Del (as always), and collapsed in my room. A pretty successful night if you ask me!

Later on Black Friday, we reconvened (along with Annie) at Sierra's house for a couple hilarious games of Balderdash and then a trip to U-Swirl, also known as Frogurt. But I do have to admit that this new U-Swirl place is better.

Saturday was pretty uneventful. Helped set up the Christmas tree, since apparently I am the only one who knows how to work the lights and put together the little train that goes around it. Went to Mad Greek. Talked to Danielle, Erin, and Cameron for a little. Came home to pack and practice guitar.

All in all, this weekend has really been an eye-opener for me. I've come to realize how much things have changed, and yet how some things always stay the same, and how I take a lot of things for granted. I have never really felt the spirit of Thanksgiving before, but this year I really am so grateful for everything I have. My amazing family, my friends, all the opportunities I have, everything I have experienced so far in my life, the gospel, and the whole world that is open in front of me. I really could not ask for more.

November 19, 2011

Gag reflex.

I'm not really one to do movie reviews, but let me tell you a story. Don't worry, it won't contain any spoilers.

It was Thursday night. I had just gotten back from the hypnotist show at the school and Marissa got back from the gym. I was whining about how I had nothing to do and I didn't have class till 2 the next day. Marissa took a shower and wasn't tired at all. Then we both realized that it was Thursday night at 11:30 - half an hour before the premier of Breaking Dawn. So we jumped in my car and headed for the nearest movie theatre, half hoping that it wouldn't be sold out but half hoping it would be.

We went to Stadium 8 first, and after a strange experience that involved a wedding dress and an old lady getting a little too personal with Marissa, found that it was sold out. Luckily, though, Cedar City is a happening enough place to have two movie theatres, and the other one still had plenty of tickets. A stroke of luck... or so we thought.

I don't even like the book so I don't know what would possess me to go on this adventure. We settled into our seats, preparing for a lame, cheesy movie. However, what we got was much, much worse than that. It was the most disgusting, graphic, horrific movie I have ever seen. I can usually handle anything in movies, but this was a different story. I didn't even fall asleep like I always do. I went from covering my eyes in some parts, to gagging and almost throwing up, to screaming my head off. So much blood. Soooo much blood.

The only thing that redeemed this movie was Taylor Lautner during the five seconds he had his shirt off. That, and making up funny lines in my head for what Edward could be saying during the many awkward moments throughout the show.

Other than that, it was terrible. Awful. Completely horrid. Don't ever see it.

Next time I'm bored on a Thursday night, someone please give me something better to do.

November 8, 2011


Last week was not my favorite.

I've been thinking about the past a lot, and how things could be different. The people that I miss and the ones who have changed me were on my mind. Sometimes it feels like everyone is the same and everyone just wants things from others instead of really wanting to spend time with them. I guess it's the feeling that everyone gets sometimes.

So today I am especially thankful for those people in my life who care. Those of you who called me last week just to talk and see how I am doing, and to share life's trials and victories. Those of you who offered your help when I didn't know what to do. Those of you who were content to sit on the floor and watch movie after movie on a Friday night, because that's just what I needed. Those of you who thought to text me just because. Those of you who knock on my door to see if I want a dinner companion or a ride. Those of you who I know I can turn to in my time of need.

Thank you.

November 1, 2011

Decision time, and Halloween.

Well, I made the decision. Journalism it is. We'll see how this goes!

On a separate note, Halloween was yesterday. It was pretty much a wild weekend. Friday was the Howl, which was a combination of scares, magic, photo booth flip books, tattoos, parrots, and mostly dancing. Followed by more dancing at the after party until four in the A.M. Marissa was a lion and I was a werewolf, complete with fangs that made me talk like Sid the Sloth. Although Tyler (who had the coolest costume ever: Redfoo from LMFAO. So legit. I take credit for his facial hair) thought I looked more like Shakira, so we decided I was a Shewolf and played the song for good measure.

These antics were followed by our last home football game the next day, where we raped UC Davis. Luckily they were redeemed by their marching band that saluted us with strains of Cee Lo Green and Muse. We left early to get Maggie Moo's ice cream and watch some TV.

Next up was Applebee's (Wow. I am doing a lot of name dropping today.) for dinner with Marissa and then back home to get ready for some Saturday night partying. I was a hippie this time, if you could call it that. It really was just a shirt that says "peace" on the front. After dancing it up with LMFAO (again) and some dinosaurs we popped in Easy A for a late night movie party. Can I just say how much I love that movie? See my Facebook status from Sunday for an example.

Sunday passed relatively uneventfully. Just some church, Skype dates with the best and the fam, and a couple episodes of Modern Family.

Monday was the day when things turned for the (comically) worse, in four prime events. 

I went to class and lunch in the morning and everything was normal. Then, I was just driving back from the bank, minding my own business, when suddenly my driver's side window just fell. I tried to roll it up and it made a horrible grinding sound. Eventually I found out, after running around to all the boys in the dorm, that a part inside there probably failed so I get to get it replaced. So that's awesome. That's number one.

About fifteen minutes after that happened, I got my DVD player from Devin (who very kindly brought it down from my house over the weekend), set it up on its side next to our fridge, and popped a Modern Family DVD in there. It fell out because the player was on its side. Naturally, I thought nothing of this, and just kept on trying it until the disc fell inside the DVD player, and Marissa and I had to spend the next half hour unscrewing the entire thing to get it out. Number two.

Life went on, and then it was Halloween night and time to find something to do. I got dressed up in my final costume: Uhura from Star Trek. So cool. Marissa was Superman, Melissa was a hippie (basically the same one I was on Saturday), and Cam was an aviator. We headed out to find another dance party, but upon arriving there were about three cars in the parking lot. So, we bagged that idea and headed to a house party. When we got there, we found out that we were literally the only ones dressed up. Keep in mind that Cam, Marissa, and Melissa had normal, simple homemade costumes and I was dressed in a full-on Star Trek jumpsuit with my hair cemented into a slicked-back ponytail and eyeliner wings. I was not going into that party. Well, it took a lot of convincing by my friends to get me into that party. And it was so embarrassing. Number three.

Last but not least, Marissa and I visited the McDonald's drive-thru (still in costume) to order a McRib, since her nickname is McRib. We had to. Anyway, remember from before when my window stopped working? When we entered the drive-thru, it was duct-taped as far as I could get it closed... so food was not coming through the window in any way, shape, or form. How did we solve that problem, you might ask? 

And that was number four.

October 27, 2011

That is the question.

I think the time has come for me to declare my major. This has been the source of most of my thought and stress over the last few months. Or years. To be honest I still don't know what I want to do with my life or where it is going to take me.

I've chosen my life's course many times, actually. Going from social work, to music, to marine biology, to fashion, to photography, to psychology, and finally coming to communications. Now only one question remains: Emphasis.

Public relations or journalism?

October 20, 2011

Sometimes I miss these days.

And yes... even these days:

October 15, 2011

Don't get caught hanging off the roof.

This week was the extremely long week before fall break. The one that contains long tests, lots of projects due, and mostly just the hope to make it to Friday. Well... it wasn't really as bad as I make it out to be.

Monday: I do not remember what I did at all. Probably hung out at Mike's house and played Call of Duty... cause I am just that cool. But the whole night is erased from my memory so who knows.

Tuesday: Spent the night decorating the front door with my roommates. We were so excited because we just knew we were going to win the grand prize in the contest: Free tickets to the Howl later this month. Our door is so sick! But I guess we got beat... as we found out on Thursday after blasting scary Halloween sounds all day until they drove us mad. Whatever.

Wednesday: Checked "Yellowcard Concert" off my bucket list. It was at Dixie and so sweet! We met Go Radio which was awesome. I just love Yellowcard. Forever and always on my list of favorite bands.

Thursday: Hung out with my long lost friend Nick (and his friends) who I had not seen in like a year and a half. Even with getting water spilled on me at the restaurant, awkward conversations, and embarrassing music videos, it still turned out to be a way fun night! Loved it.

Friday: Packed up the car and drove home for the first time since going down to school. It's so good to be here, with my queen bed and basement room and medium sized shower. And seeing my family is even better. I just spent the night at home... some much-needed mother-daughter time.

I guess I should have thought about the fact that the week isn't over yet before I made this post. Oops. Oh well!

October 4, 2011


Today has definitely not been my day.
Sorry to anyone I might have taken it out on.

The one thing that made my day worth it was walking down the street to see Mollie. Who is Mollie you might ask? The border collie/Australian shepherd mix puppy that Melissa, Marissa, and I got for free at Walmart over the weekend! She is one month old and she is the cutest thing ever.

I love her. And I love my friend Tevan for keeping her in his backyard. I have the best friends ever.

That's all. Tomorrow is a new day.

September 25, 2011

Waking up in Vegas.

That's what I did this weekend when Marissa, Melissa, Keiranne and I decided to take a last minute (the best kind) roadtrip to Las Vegas to party, shop, and maybe see our football team play UNLV. If we had time.

We headed off on Friday afternoon, got to St. George, and stopped to watch the Lion King in 3D. I probably had not seen that movie since I was like 7! It was like a trip back in time. I mean, we had to see it. It's the one chance in our lives to see the Lion King, in 3D, in a movie theater. And that chance only lasted for two weeks. So it was amazing.

Then we got back on the road again and got to Vegas around 8:00 Nevada time, dropped our things off, and hit the strip! We met up with a bunch of other people from SUU and some boys that went to Alta. It's so weird because I didn't even know Jake, Colby, and Stacy that well in high school, (or anyone at my high school for that matter) but as soon as you see them after graduation, you're best friends. It's pretty cool.

Anyway, the seven of us (me, Marissa, Keiranne, Melissa, Stacy, Jake, and Colby) went to find some interesting things to do. We ended up getting creeped on by Caesar, meeting a talking tree, looking at the Fountains of Bellagio, witnessing some mind-blowing magic, getting shocked by a fake lighter, playing spin the bottle (even though the romantic kiss in front of the fountains never went down), mcchillin at McDonald's, and pretty much everything other than seeing the lions at the MGM Grand. But that was really the only disappointment of the night. We finally got picked up in the valet of the Cosmopolitan by our high class limo driver.... or by Brigham in his orange land cruiser. Either way it was stylish.

You would think that our night ended then, but we actually hung out in the apartment parking lot for like an hour because the boys had to show off all the cool stuff they got in California last week, and their pictures, and chat about controversial topics. But it was still a good time. Beats sleeping at least! Cause who does that! But really I enjoyed it.

The next morning we woke up bright and early for some Del Taco (as always!) and some hardcore shopping at Urban Outfitters and H&M. We spent way too much money, but you don't go to Vegas every day!

This is when we meet our worst enemy: Las Vegas roads. We probably left for the football game at like 4:30 and spent an hour going in circles. Why would there be two streets named Russell Road? That's all I want to know. Seriously. Why.

We finally made it there, claimed some seats in the endzone, and proceeded to watch SUU destroy UNLV 41-16, despite the Rebels' excessive trash talking. It felt dang good to revive the old "Scoreboard! Scoreboard!" cheer.

All in all, I must say it was a great weekend. Las Vegas, I'll be back to see you soon.

September 21, 2011


Is it possible to be too trusting 
and yet not trusting at all?

Call me old fashioned, but I think trust should be earned and not merely given. 

Give me one good reason.

September 17, 2011

Flash flood.

Tonight was our big homecoming celebration. It started out with a speech from Pres. Benson (SUU's president), followed by some impressive fireworks set to the soundtrack of "Don't Stop Believin.'" I swear this school is obsessed with that song. Then there was a cute little cover band that played while Tyler Ward set up. If you haven't heard of Tyler Ward, he is a YouTube sensation that played his first show of his first tour tonight at SUU. He's famous! And he touched my hand!

During his show it started raining, which was so epic. Imagine listening to an amazing cover of "Black & Yellow" while getting drenched. Awesome. His show was supposed to go until midnight but unfortunately it started really pouring with thunder and lightning so he had to end early at like 11:15. So we danced and ran home, getting soaked, and headed upstairs for some chicken and potatoes.

At midnight we had True T-Bird night. If I have to explain what that is, you're obviously not one!

Let's just say it would be better if you only had to become one once.

September 13, 2011

Moment magnitude.

I learned in Geology that moment magnitude is a scale for measuring earthquakes, and that usually that number is what they report, not the one on the Richter scale. I just like the name of it.

I just got back from the Homecoming Pageant... I have nothing really to say about it. Ha.

It's been crazy since I got back from St. George. Last week was "Club Week" so there was lots of activities and stuff I guess. I've just been doing a lot of homework. I went to the RHA luau, which was fun. Ah. I don't know. I have nothing to say.

My friend Cam has been dying to be in my blog so I guess I can say something about him. :) I went to his hypnotism show on Friday and it was super funny! The kids he hypnotized were having rap battles and speaking in foreign languages that they did not previously understand. It was so cool. I was way way impressed! Like so impressed. Because I am not hard to impress.

Other than that, nothing really has gone on. Friday we played Dance Central (My favorite game ever. I'm so pro.), went to an Institute party (no comment), a fiesta with lots of chips and salsa, Del Taco, and then the hypnotism show. We had our first home football game on Saturday, which we won. Yes. We actually did win. Then we went to a dance party Saturday night, which is always great. Sunday was an all day homework marathon. Fun stuff.

This week is homecoming week though, plus a visit from my mama, plus my great-grandparents 70th wedding anniversary, plus someone's (I think my mom's cousin's?) actual wedding. Much more eventful for sure.

September 6, 2011

Farther south.

There's a first time for everything... and this weekend it was St. George. I mean, I'm pretty sure I've been there before, but all I remember is thinking it was way cool that High School Musical 2 was filmed at the golf course where my dad was having his business meeting. So I don't think that counts.

Saturday afternoon we packed up our things and headed south to find lodgings at Melissa's grandparent's house. Our evening was spent eating the tops off of Iceberg shakes (eating any more than that would have kept us sick in bed the rest of the weekend. Those things are huge.), donating money to a girl's kidney transplant by means of going to a dance party, and watching Insidious, which sadly does not live up to its pretense of being "the scariest movie ever".

We woke up Sunday afternoon (who knows what happened to the morning) and went to Del Taco for breakfast/lunch. Can I just say, in case you didn't know, that I absolutely love Del? There is no better fast food restaurant. I don't even care what you have to say. If you have not had the funnel cake fries from there, you haven't lived.

Anyway, then we went to Snow Canyon and climbed in the lava caves. I'm so sore, but it was so worth getting a rock dropped on my foot and almost getting stuck down there because I am too short and too dumb to wear real shoes. Toms do not help you climb slippery rocks, just fyi. We found glow sticks and splattered the juice on the rocks in the pitch blackness of the caves. It was so cool.

After leaving Snow Canyon, we showered, went to Subway, and spent an hour looking for the game Curses in Walmart to no avail. So we bought the Game of Things instead and spent the next two hours playing it, and then spent the next four hours after that watching season one of Lost before finally hitting the hay.

Monday, we rose bright and early, hit up McDonald's for breakfast, and got on our way to Zion's National Park. We spent half the day driving up a winding road and through a bunch of tunnels for nothing, since everyone neglected to tell me we were going the wrong way... But we did finally find where we were supposed to be going and hiked up to the Emerald Pools. It was sprinkling and the air smelled like rain mixed with trees and sand and it was amazing.

The only thing that overshadowed this weekend was the - you guessed it - French homework that I have spent the last three hours on. But I am willing to overlook that and appreciate the fact that I got to spend the weekend with good friends, enjoying our Mother Earth. It was a good one.

"Forget not that the Earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair."
                        Khalil Gibran

September 1, 2011

August 29, 2011

French will kill me.

Week one of college, check.

Now that Welcome Week is over, it's time to really get into the swing of things... which in less words, means do homework. I'm only taking 13 credit hours, 1 of which I can test out of and 2 of which only last until Thanksgiving. Which basically leaves Geology of Natural Disasters, Intro to Public Relations, and... French. I thought taking the AP test was bad, but compared to this class... I don't even want to talk about it. Moving on.

College events thus far, besides actually going to classes, are as follows:

  • Barbecues (free food!) last Monday and Tuesday. Not that eventful.
  • Breaking a world record on Wednesday. Aka the most people blowing a bubble with Double Bubble at the same time. Yep. Cool huh.
  • Kalai! His concert was on Wednesday too. I might be in love. I put a song of his on my playlist... so go listen to it.

  • Club fair on Thursday. I signed up for rugby! Yeahhh buddy.
  • Comedian Tracy Ashley on Friday night. So great. Her Oprah impersonations I could never get sick of. Oh my gosh.
  • Triple date to the bowling alley after the comedian! We won't mention my score. But I didn't come in dead last on the second game! So I'm getting there.
  • "The Lake on the Hill" with friends on Saturday afternoon. It smelled like fish, was full of fish, and I lost a race. But it was fun!

  • 80s dance Saturday night! Finally somewhere that my dancing can fit in. I should have lived my life two decades ago.

Throw in a few episodes of Psych on Netflix, a couple movies, and that was my last week!
College is great. Bottom line.

August 24, 2011


That's what I am. A Thunderbird!
I have successfully moved in, gone to class, attended a sporting event (which technically was just our volleyball team playing itself... but still.), done homework, broken a world record (most people to blow a bubble with gum at one time), gone to the gym, bought books, and am living the college life. It's so crazy.

The first few days were kind of stressful, just because I was still trying to get settled and get everything I need while also changing my French class and reconnect with friends. But I think as of today I have all my books, my schedule is final, and I made the (hopefully) last trip to Walmart for a while. Now I can just dive into school and meet new friends and have lots of fun!

Here are some pictures of my room. Look at them.